Book 7

Jul 21, 2007 18:16

I finally finished book 7. Got here at 9 and finished at 5.30 with an hour's break for lunch. LOL. I know "*gasp* YOU TOOK A BREAK?" lol.
My mom was ranting on about how I was lucky because of the postal strike lol. Good ol' friendly postman. LOL.
I didn't rush through it at all. Lol. I didn't want to. Took my time. Thought it'd take me all night but lol oh well.

Wow. I don't know what to say. Well so far it seems complete, all the questions answered and stuff.

Anyone want to harp on about it with me? LOL. Like what you think and stuff?

I won't put any spoilers in the entry but THERE WILL BE IN THE COMMENTS if people want to rant. ^^;;
I think I'll put in the first comment lol. Just to rant about things. I'll leave a big gap at the start just in case someone wants to comment but not want to see spoilers. Lol.

Anyway... lots of stuff happened that I knew would happen, that I didn't know would happen, that I never thought of happening, and so on.

I didn't read any of the spoilers or any of that stuff. But I've heard about all the stuff popping up. To tell you the truth, I've been so caught up with JE and other stuff that I grew out of the HP fandom in 2005. XDDDD After the 6th book. Because of Uni life. Lol. But looking back on it now, it's super fun. XDDD

Lol. I keep harping on. XD Apologies.


Oh and I have a feeling when this is made into a movie it might get slaughtered. 6th book too. =X
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