
May 27, 2007 16:24

who listens to me rant.
who gives advice (when you know I need it).
who doesn't try to give advice (when you know that's the last thing I want) but just reassures.
who knows when to distract me when I'm having a miserable day.
who knows that I don't want to be left alone.
who lets me be quiet (when you know I need to be).
who won't let me be quiet and gets me talking about other things (when you know I need to be thinking of something else).
who honestly tells me what you think.
who can tell me what you feel.
who I can spill my thought to.
who I can spill my feelings to.
who I've never met but still trust like the friends I've known since I was in elementary school.
who may not speak to me every day but know I'm here to listen.
who I may not speak to every day but know you're there to rant to.
who helps with stress relief.
who lets me use their shoulder to cry on.
who gets me laughing and crying at the same time.
who makes me laugh so much that I forget about crying.
who are my friend.

Thank you.
Thank you so much for everything.

It's very reassuring to know that when I feel really lonely, sad or hurt, that there's someone who truly, honestly, and genuinely cares.

Thank you so much.

I hope you know that I'm here for you too if you ever need me.

Thank you so much.

I've been having such a miserable day.
But now it's not so bad anymore.
Thank you.

real life, rants, shoutouts, disabled comments

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