Yay or Nay?

May 19, 2007 12:14

Hiro and Uchi being back...
Yay or nay?

I've been reading some posts recently about both sides to the argument to and for Hiro and Uchi being back.

Now, of course, I can't speak for everyone. And I'm not telling people not to have their own opinion. Go ahead. ((¬_¬) I feel like i'm putting a disclaimer in my own post in my own lj)
If you're here to bash me, then please leave. If you want to state your own opinion, sure, just don't be rude. My journal. My opinion.


Personally. YAY! THEY'RE BACK! For those who haven't at all guessed from my previous 2 posts in large letters.
Even if they're not back with NEWS or Kanjani it's fine by me. As long as we can actually see them.

Now, here's my personal take on a few statements I've seen.

1) They're really unhappy. They don't want to be there anymore.
Okay, I'm not part of JE. I don't know how it works. But it feels like if they didn't really want to be there, they wouldn't be. They wouldn't be working so hard to get back into the swing of things if they didn't want it. JE wouldn't lose anything if they let them go since most people doubted their return anyway. So no, I don't think they're unhappy. I think they want to be there. And that they want what they had.

2) WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT JIN? I could care less if Jin dropped off the face of the planet. He's not Kusano or Uchi.
Fine. But please don't go bashing those that are actually HAPPY about Jin's return. Don't like it? Don't comment. Why bother commenting if you don't care anyway? It's like bursting a happy balloon when it's totally unnecessary. Jin and Kusano and Uchi are all different cases, different groups. No, not everyone believed Jin would come back, KAT-TUN didn't at first either. So please don't place those three in the same boat.

3) WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT KUSANO OR UCHI? Those bastards made a mistake and now it's just all okay??
People make mistakes. Common knowledge.
I'm not condoning what Kusano or Uchi did. I think it was a stupid mistake to make too. But I don't hate them for it. And no, that's not because I'm a fan. Despite popular belief, fans aren't airheaded and not all see things through rose-colored glasses.
But look, it's been a year. That's awhile. And it's not like they hurt someone (physically). And I'm sure there are others who have drank underage. It's just that unluckily for Uchi and Kusano, they were caught.
If you don't like Kusano or Uchi, fine, ignore them. You don't have to like every person in a group to like who they are and what they do (as a group).

5) K8 and NEWS don't want them back.
Oh please. They wouldn't be leaving secret messages or mentioning them if they didn't want them back.

4) Those two are going to ruin the groups' dynamics. [insert group name here] has achieved [insert stuff here] that those two don't deserve to be back.
If you're really a fan, you'd go for what makes the groups happy, right? If they want them back, YAY. Then who cares about all else? I'm sure they'd be more than happy to make some changes just to accommodate their members.

5) Those two are ungrateful.
If you meant in the past, maybe, maybe not. I mean not everyone appreciates what they have until it hits them in the face right? Well, they'd appreciate it now. If they're working this hard to get back into the swing of things, I think it's safe to say they know what they want and to work hard for it means that they remember how difficult everything was just to get to where they were. People deserve second chances right?

6) Uchi won't fit in with Kanjani anymore, so he can stay gone.
Well. I do think it would be hard for Uchi to fit in. That I agree with. Because at this moment in time, they're working hard for people to take them seriously again. They'd be scared, they'd be nervous. And because Kanjani is full of funny, cracktastic stuff, it would be hard to take Uchi seriously again. But for him to stay gone? THat's a bit harsh. I'd say that's up to Kanjani (and course the Jimusho) to decide.

7) What's the big hooha? Not like they're back in the groups. They're just doing some stage stuff.
Well, if that's directed at me that's only because I haven't seen them for ages and I'm sure most Uchi and Kusano fans are just dying to see them again, no matter what their activities are. Currently, it hasn't really spammed anyone's flist that much about their return. No big deal either way. But it is a big thing because it's been over a year (or 2) since we've seen them. We are curious.

8) POOR SHOUNENTAI / SHOUNENTAI FANS! They'll have to endure NEWS / K8 fans at their play!
AHAHAHAHA oh please. I mean really. This... is publicity. After a long hiatus, and suddenly they're announced at a play? And their names are on the bill and not just lumped under "Johnnys Jr"? Please. They want to use this. If they didn't want publicity, they'd just hide those two members at the back and not bother announcing it, or writing it on the poster.
But for the fans... well, so their group's play gets more audience members... tell me again how that's bad?

9) Are you done yet?
I think so.
I'm kinda hungry right now. Lol.
And I have to go back to studying.
Oh the fun.
This entry wasn't aimed at anyone in particular. It's just I've read so much stuff about them that I wanted to post my own opinions.
Feel free to post yours too in the comments. I'd want to know what you think. ^^

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