Feb 12, 2008 07:18
Okay SERIOUSLY, how complicated can my life be….
Apparently, since my 3..count them 3!!!... courses for my master’s degree started while I was out on my WORK RELATED INJURY, that Boeing won’t be PAY FOR IT. Which the BIGGEST PROBLEM of this little issue is that one of the classes I signed up for is 12 units, though it’s PROJECT based and just a “chunk” of credits for outside work, so I’m not sure how much that will actually cost, but as of the WEBSITE it’s >$800/unit….
So then I STILL have to drop out of my OTHER two classes, and FRIDAY was the last day for 90% payback and I think I’m in the 50% range at the moment….. So that’s a bunch of money down the drain
So I could STAY in the classes, which is what I may HAVE to do for one of my classes, because it is a pre-req for one that I need (in theory) next fall (and not offered over spring).
So that’s going to come straight out of pocket…which angers me highly.
The temptation to drop out completely for awhile and just take a SERIOUS break right now is quite high, but GAWD how annoying. I was/am diligently working on getting my master’s degree and I feel like I keep hitting WALLS.
Maybe it’s my own issues, but I started at UW, just to try it, take a course, see what happens…they completely don’t support evening courses for IE degree
Then USC for that HELL class, where I realized that they look at web-students as additional income, rather than having different or special needs.
Now Stevens…. Which is actually Boeing….BUH!
I sound like the victim and I know I’m not. I took the UW class cuz I wanted to, the USC class really was hell, and this Steven’s thing is a LEGAL NOTE on Boeing’s part “Boeing cannot pay it by virtue of our D950 policy requiring participants to be on active payroll when courses start.” - Boeing NonHelpful people.
I just feel like I keep hitting WALLS that are trying to STOP me from getting this done..
Edit: okay so I just got off the phone w/ Stephanie at Stevens and she said that she will slide me into Spring Semester B instead of A and that she’ll put “no penalty” on my file, but I don’t’ know how all of that is going to go down with Boeing, sounds like a LOT more paperwork. but at least it seems like I won’t lose lots of money. Just have to take 2 classes April - July and figure out what to do over summer…But at least I’m getting somewhere! PRAY HOPE PRAY HOPE!