More drugs

Jan 28, 2008 18:03

Okay so on Friday I had my 2nd surgery, this time on my nose, to get out a bunch of stuff that was blocking my passages.

My doctor suggested this "smaller" surgery and iif it doesn't work than ew'll dot he bigger one (full nose job thing) later this year (while I still have good insurance...I thought in my own head)...

I was doubintg if there could be THAT much stuff up there, since I DID have nose stuff done wen i was 15 (deviated septum fixed) but i had him take pictures and HOLY CRAP! MAJOR difference.

Got there at 11:15, but didn't go into surgery until nearly 3....was REALLY sick of that stupid bed...and the nurse couldn't find my veins.... I can SEE the damn things, how hard can it be to STAB it.... really thouh, it's been a common probelm in my life.

Sorry if 'mtyping badly but the wrist still hurts a lot and the vicadine is making the screen funny nd my eyes can't focus on it, so I just gave up looking at it. :-P hehe

Well at least the vicadine is helpin the wrist too! :-P though i should stop. Just an update....i still look totally normal in the face though, very odd. Doing well, Beth, my step mom came up to take care of me. We had fun.

Fred, a friends ho orks at a Marriot, got 2 tickets to Blue Man Group which he gave me and her, wow that's bad english, but ya, so we went and had a really fun time. Now i just can't get my hear beat up for 2 weeks.

K i'm outty....

Ev...I owe you a phone call..
D...thbe other one hasnt's hown up yet.
Pat....thanks for the dinner call on frday, but was out of it. Must do it soon.
Everyone else.... HI THERE: )
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