Oct 08, 2007 11:16
So about a year about a year ago or so I was looking for glasses, I looked EVERYWHERE, tried all the local small joints, and ind. sellers...NO LUCK.
Finally I had lunch w/ Diana one day and we wound up at Target to grab something....and then into the opt. where we found a cute pair of black ones....well I've lost them... . in my move...I think... so maybe they'll show up one day....
D...we need to plan that clean sweep...please.
ANYWHO, so yesterday, Diana, Patrick and I do lunch, and we all go back to Target, because I've been looking again. Diana must be my good luck charm w/ a little rubbed off w/ Patrick there, because I found another pair...Purple ones :) I was feeling ugly yesterday, so I'm just goign w/ their opinions that it looked really nice...
I just put in the order, insurance is covering $120, which is about 1/2 :-\ blah.
Can't wait for them to come though, because my eye sight has gotten worse and I can tell .
THEN We went shopping for PATRICK adn had a GREAT time w/ that. Black sports jacket to go w/: Jeans/khakis/charcoal gray pants...which he bought... flat front, great length.
Dark red/warm shirt w/ a matching angeled stripe tie....VERY Smart looking.
YAYAYAYA Playing dress up w/ OTHER people's money ;) j/k. He looked very smart.
I really appreciated their help on the glasses...time to look geeky! :)