Dec 14, 2009 22:50
I have very nearly 73000 words. I have just written the penultimate scene. Which I must say is a key scene, and one I am very pleased with. I still have many more scenes to write, but I am making a lot of progress!
I am still loving my characters, although it has suddenly occured to me that i have a fair amount of round protagonists, especially Amelia. Yet some of my antagonists, my bad characters are a little more flat and predictable, so i need to do some shaping.
I have 59 complete scenes out of a planned 83. Which works out at about 100K of planned scenes. However, there are still a lot of scenes I will probably remove without writing them. So I hopefully wont end up going too far over my 80K limit for a young adult novel.
I am still reading a lot of books on writing. I am also readign Twilight as is it a young adult novel written in first person. I have also got a couple of novels by John Green and The Catcher in the Rye, which are young adult novels recommended to me for my research.
If anybody has any recommendations of any books about people with chronic illness, or even M.E. which you think may be relevant for my research, then do let me know!
Thank you for your continued support.
word count