Jan 01, 2010 22:10
Where did you begin 2009?
St. Albans home of grandparents, my old hometown.
Did you have to go to the hospital
Lots: Out patient appointments for neurology and gastroenterology. Lots of days in the private hospital Breakspear for allergy testing and intravenous drips.
Where did you go on vacation?
Alas no...
What did you purchase that was over $500?
A carbon fibre tripod, and a automatic/manual macro lense for my digital SLR Amelia.
Did you know anybody who got married?
A few friends but i did not go to the wedding.
Did you know anybody who passed away?
What sporting events did you attend?
What concerts/shows did you attend?
Where do you live now?
Been living with my grandparents for a year and they have been looking after me due to severe ME/CFS.
Describe your birthday?
My Mum and sister visited. I just chatted to them while lying down and opened prezzies. My friend Rosie came the next day to see me.
What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2008?
Not work, not be a student, not go on holiday, not be independent.
Any new additions to your family?
What was your best month?
April as I was getting out to do things for a couple of hours a day and seeing friends before I relapsed again.
Who has been your best drinking buddy?
Havent drunk due to my liver being rubbish due to the illness.
Made new friends?
Online. Lots due to ME stuff. My wifey Libby, my loverly friend Claire, my adopted lil sis Sophie, all my new LJ friends of which there are many and they are all lovely!
Favourite Night out?
Umm the Leo convention which I actually managed to attend on the fri and saturday evening and eat food and stuff and have fun. Pretty much the only nights out I have had all year mind.
Any regrets?
Pushing myself too hard and making the ME worse.
What do you want to change in 2010?
Get better go back to med school etc...I realise that is unlikely now with the time frame. However, I will settle for improving enough to do things and be involved in things again.
Overall how would you rate this year?
It has been happy enough really. I am pretty positive and motivated despite everything, which is a godsend, as being depressed more than the odd day here and there would suck! But having to miss out on so much sucks...
Have any life changes in 2009?
Have only seen my dad once this year.
Change your hair style?
I only had it cut once this year back in march as it was the only time I was well enough. It was quite short but it is shoulder length now as it grows so fast. It is natural colour which is unusual as I usually have red streaks.
Get a new job?
How old did you turn this year?
Did anything embarrassing?
Well collapsing at peoples houses and in hospitals etc...but that is less embarrasing as I feel so ill at the time, and paralysed all I can do is lie there and go oh well. So used to it now.
Get married or divorced?
Be honest did you watch American Idol?
Start a new hobby?
Yes, I did a lot of knitting and crocheting at the beginning of the year but not done any in ages. Writing a novel! Watching lots of spanish tv.
Been snowboarding?
Are you happy to see 2009 go?
Yes it has been the worst year ever in many ways, and in other ways productive!
Drank Starbucks in 2009?
Been naughty or nice?
What are you wishing for 2010?
Health. To be at least a little better. i could do so much of the other things I wish for if I were. With health I would be the richest happiest person on Earth. It is amazing how you realise its worth when you have lost it.