I live!

Jul 15, 2008 00:09

No art today, but a couple of funny Warcraft glitches I've come across in the past couple days. The Zul'Aman Invisible Wall trick is pretty well known, but I found another one that had me sitting in Shatt for hours just for the stares and "How the hell did you do that??" tells. I also submitted it to HALOLZ, but not sure if it's gonna go up or not.

Invisible wall on Dragonhawk Avatar boss of Zul'Aman. The casters and healers can be untouchable for the entire fight, so long as they don't pull aggro.

I had fun with this one. Dragonmaw Illusion glitch allows you to mount in Moonkin form, and you remain mounted when the illusion buff wears off.
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