Instant Reaction - Spn Like A Virgin

Feb 05, 2011 23:07

I was mentally bracing myself for so much angst and yet I rode this episode out on a fluffy cloud of joyous brotherly reunionship and complete squee over the hugs and the fond smiles and Dean's unabashed pleasure in having his brother back.

Yes, yes this is Supernatural and I know this is all probably gonna be very short lived and the wheels of our shiny, new, red radio flyer cart are probably all about to fall off in a spectacular way and that zippo in the pocket is going to burn up our very temporary respite from all the angst, the guilt and pain BUT.... for now I'm gonna float lazily down this river in Egypt and just full on BASK in the happiness that is Sam and Dean back together - hunting DRAGONS! people...Dragons!

I have had a long held affection and fondness for dragons ever since I read the McCaffrey books as a youngster - Pern was a magical place to spend time in. It was a shame the Supernatural budget didn't stretch to some flashy CGI and we had to make do with seemingly shifter type dragons confined by their very mundane human bodies (even if they could make their hands form molten hot lava). I think I reject those projections and will go with my much more colourfully imagined creatures.

But on the upside - that HUG! The look on Sam's face when he sees Dean again and that hug....oh lordy it was all worth the wait. It must be quite a thing to receive such an all out, no restraint hug from such a Sasquatch wall of muscle. And Dean's little smiles - when he sees his brother being nothing but Sam when showing empathy for the girl they interviewed, his delight at Sam's slightly scandalised query as to whether he had stolen the diary from the girl's room, his squirmishness around the virgin topic, his typical Sam rolling eye reaction to his lame jokes. That felt so good seeing all that again.

I loved it and I LOVED the fact that the show didn't hold out on making sure Sam knows what happened. I was with Bobby on that one...mostly. I was a little torn because I completely understood where Dean was coming from - he is scared shitless about what revealing stuff might do to the wall and dammit why can't they just have a break for five seconds from all that psychologically debilitating baggage? But I was backing Bobby the whole way re if Sam had found out through other means - which in the end he did and I have to say I just reveled in his sneaky sneakiness there.... Sam is not Sam without that gigantor brain of his ticking over how to find this stuff out and being all manipulative to suit his ends...of course Cas being the fallboy on that one was quite logical. Though I was a little sad for him when Sam skipped the hug. Cas looked so disappointed. Awwwww poor Cas - Misha played that face so well, so grateful and pleased to see Sam alive again.

I just wanna make a note about the scene in the Impala when they're driving at night towards Portland - the camera angle on both boys was so different from usual and it seemed it was lit with this acetylene yellow back lighting that just made both the boys look so drop dead gorgeous. It was very noticeably different from usual internal impala scenes that it stood out in a beautiful way.

So is this 'Mother' the new big bad for the rest of the season? I like the premise, as it relates back to Alpha vamp and what he said regarding where they all come from. Also it looks as though the Purgatory angle is going to be further explored and I have always been fascinated by that. The movie Gabriel definitely helped whet my appetite for more stories surrounding this mytharc.

Also the music? Took a definite shift into...what I'm not exactly sure but there's a couple songs in there I want to go and download because it completely set the tone for the episode and I loved it - kind of a rock crossed with blues? *runs off to use goggle-fu* I really thought the songs were chosen specifically and that makes me wanna go listen some more.

Now I wait for our SV episode to download for tomorrow in the meantime I shall catch up flist and twitter now that I've seen the ep... YAY!!! MY SHOWS ARE BACK!!! \\o// Supernatural you did not disappoint :)

spn, instant reaction, 6.12

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