There's something you don't see every day...

Sep 06, 2010 18:18

So the guy that plays Castiel off Supernatural - Boston-born Misha Collins (not his real name - check out his wikipedia story here for that amusing botch up of a baby naming) who is 36 years old can apparently run further than anyone thought.

He is the main patron and instigator of Random Acts a charity organisation which is trying to take over the world one random act of kindness at a time (it's really quite sweet - the vid of the acts they do) and decided that yesterday (Sun Sept 5th) that he would run as far as he could and try and get as many people to pledge as he could, to raise money for the Random Acts charity.

Seems he's been somewhat secretive about his super running capabilities and in the space of 11 hours has run 83 kilometers (roughly 50 miles "in American" as he says). A normal marathon is what? 42 kms? I figured that's probably what he'll run - so I pledged $1 a kilometer. EIGHTY THREE??? Misha is like a MACHINE. A secret double marathon running machine. Sneaky bastard. Ahh well lucky it's all tax deductible :)

What's more is the man doesn't even have the audacity to look exhausted at the end of it. In fact as you can see here he even had time to tweet vids and pics! Jim Beaver (Bobby off Spn) pledged $50 a km - he's now tweeted that he's insolvent and at one point was considering that the hire of a hitman may work out cheaper. I think there should be a run off now - Jared may be able to bench press the guy but now I'm thinking Misha could just outrun him. Those angels are sneaky fast, long distance runners.

misha collins, random acts, charity

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