
Jun 25, 2010 23:35

Ok last post for at least a day maybe two because I am OFF! And not in the "phwoar you're a bit ripe" way either. I am off on a jet plane in about five hours...sadly I know when I'll be back again (actually not sadly because I shall miss Mr Redteekal and the puppies muchly - but sadly because I shall not be defecting to Canada and living my life long dream of running a dog sled team in the Iditarod...boo hoo...there's always next year!) In the meantime it's Hi ho Hi ho it's off to Texas I go!

However it is World Cup time and whilst to many of you it's probably no more than a blip on the sporting calendar radar I have become embroiled in the intensity, the hilarity, the dramatic performances and a significant amount of amusement (was it true the French coach consulted his astrological charts before deciding who took the field? Because that would be good.  that is the epic international world cup stage.

So here have a funny youtube ad about the Germany V England game on Sunday...it's safe, born and bred Deutschlander Mr Redteekal had a good laugh. Ahh Europeans....endlessly amusing in their self deprecating ways.

image Click to view

Toodoo- loo!!
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