
Apr 22, 2010 23:33

Two posts in as many days - there's something screwy going on here. Couldn't help myself really - I keep going through elsiecat 's Rome SPN Con photos and I had to have a play with some of the Jared shots.

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gratuitous picspam, picspam, jared padalecki

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Comments 9

ash48 April 22 2010, 15:49:25 UTC
OMG! Damn! Final check of flist before hitting bed and you post this!

Tiny crush on Jared??!!! OMG!! I have like WHOA major crush on this man. Look at those pictures! (I might just have to share them on my LJ if I'm allowed to) because MY GOD! that first one! I need an icon of that I reckon. He is GORGEOUS!! *drools*

And um...

Also...um.. this is really, really small print, because I'm not sure. But a little thought popped into my mind about a wee Perth fan girl gathering to watch the final episode of the show. I mean in theory I reckon that could be kinda awesome, but in terms of practical I'm not sure. I know 3 Perthites on LJ and one in RL... but yeah. It's probably not really possible, but sharing the final episode with real life people would be a hoot I reckon. Not quite sure how yet, but thought I'd put it out there. :)


redteekal April 22 2010, 16:16:41 UTC
Ya know 'great minds etc etc' :)))) I was thinking that as well re the final episode. Apart from you though I only know one other fangirl in RL (also has an LJ) who'd be keen...and I think my sister would be too (she's coming over this long weekend Monday to catch up) - I think she finished at My Bloody Valentine and she's most upset at how that ended ;) *g*. But all that said - I'm off to Geraldton Friday the 14th of May - don't think I'd be able to watch it till the following Monday at least *pouts*. So I may have to miss out on this little gathering. But yes it would be great - in fact I've been meaning to ask you about The Jaffa Room - have you heard of it?

PS Feel free to pimp this picspam anywhere you wish! And also I'm working on an icon set for these :) Eventually - but feel free to make your own from them.


ash48 April 23 2010, 00:12:03 UTC
I haven't heard of the Jaffa Room...?

But *pouts*, if you're off to Geraldton then I probably won't worry. The other 2 peeps on LJ I don't really know, as in they don't post very much etc. Though I might suggest it to RL person (that I recently converted! \o/ she's a teacher too!)

And I would definitely be interested in an icon (especially that first one). Just gorgeous. I will be pimping these for sure. :D


vyperdd April 23 2010, 01:11:30 UTC
Another Perthie here. Wow it really is a small world. :-)
A fan-girl get together to watch the finale would be fantastic, unfortunately my work schedule gets in the way. I work 1-9pm Fri and Sat of that weekend. Have Sunday off, but know that I couldn't wait that long to watch the ep. I generally watch the eps Fri morning before work.


callme_k April 23 2010, 09:17:22 UTC
@ #1 - Hello new mob.ph. screensaver! (hope that's ok?) And I'm a Dean girl!
Btw, here via ash's rec.


redteekal April 23 2010, 13:54:59 UTC
That's absolutely fine - what a good idea! Glad I could get a Dean girl to enjoy the finer points of Jared :)


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