Momma put my guns in the ground... SN 5.16

Apr 04, 2010 16:31

I've watched and rewatched and then watched again....

and there's no avoiding it, I just need to talk about this episode. ash48 posted a question that was posted in her initial reaction post about what it was about this episode that caused such a massive and wildly polarised response. I found my own experience of this episode to be something akin to a ( Read more... )

reactions, sn5.16, epic episode

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ash48 April 4 2010, 09:15:30 UTC
I have to say the response has been fascinating to me. Initially I only saw the squee and deep thinky thoughts. Today I've read some scathing comments that left me feeling a little sad for the people who are thinking of ditching the show all together. Personally, I just can't understand that.

Sure, it made us feel all this stuff, but ultimately that has to be a good thing. For a show to elicit such a heartfelt reaction (whether it be good or bad) has to mean something they are doing something right.

In RL I'm pretty happy go lucky. I'm emotional, but never really depressed. Maybe that's why this episode didn't depress me, or ever upset me actually. I appreciate that our boys are on a journey to some sort of self discovery and the pain is all part of it.

Swap Meat upset me a lot more. At least with this episode we saw the love that exists between the boys (over and over) and we got some more back story.

I mean, I would like Dean to be able to move past being hurt by Sam's choices early in his life. I would. He needs to start accepting Sam for who he is (and was)... maybe that's what comes next for Dean...??

I enjoyed reading your response. Pretty much mirrored a lot of what I felt. :D

(Oooh... and holidaysville!! yay! still 2 more weeks!!)


redteekal April 4 2010, 14:29:04 UTC
I think Dean will move past this - he's always been the kinda forgive and forget kind of personality.

"For a show to elicit such a heartfelt reaction (whether it be good or bad) has to mean something they are doing something right."

Is exactly why people shouldn't be going to the extremes of ditching their show based on this episode. For good or for bad the show has MOVED you so to throw in the towel at this point makes no sense to me.

It was a definitely a Dean kicking episode and perhaps the fans with a stronger affection for Dean would feel upset - but one thing this show has done this season has treated both boys evenly - Sam is still looking for redemption and Dean is still going through hell. I'm loving how they're both portrayed as strong as each other however their strengths take on such different lights. Dean is losing hope - Sam still has that. Sam has self-doubt and Dean shows how he believes in him (not this epsiode obviously - apart from the why Sam made it to heaven bit) but gradually Dean has been showing snippets of it.

Good grief I'm rambling now. Damn show - making me have all these thinky thoughts.

And yes holidaysville! Wooohoo! I was wondering if you'd mind if I asked you a couple of questions about vidding - I know you've already pointed me in the right direction for finding out if tracks have been used. But I have a a couple of extremely green, novice questions.


ash48 April 4 2010, 15:12:45 UTC
Yes to all this! The way they balance them out is great. (Though I'm finding it's the Sam girls that seem to be the most upset.... (?). I mean, I consider myself a Sam girl and it didn't upset me. Sam did what he did. I don't think he ever did stuff to deliberately hurt Dean.

I was wondering if you'd mind if I asked you a couple of questions about vidding

Oh my goodness. Go for it. If you've seen anything I've written on my journal, you know I love chatting about vidding. More than happy to point you in the right direction if I can't directly help.

Fire away! :D


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