Supernatural 5.16 aka Swirling Vortex of Emotions

Apr 03, 2010 00:17

I knew NOTHING about this episode before it aired - in the space of 43 minutes show made me do this:

- Gasp in shock/horror
- Go WTF?
- Have tears of absolute adoring joy
- Laugh out loud at Angels
- Laugh for Sam
- Laugh for Dean
- Cry for Dean
- Cry for Sam
- Hate the writers
- Love the writers
- Hate the writers *again*
- Love some more characters
- Laugh out loud at some more characters
- Cry for Sam AND Dean
- Then cry for Castiel
- And finally cue finishing with overwhelming heartache for both boys and Castiel

All that in 43 minutes. I suspect the writers may be taking something. I loved this episode but I need to go have a Bex and lie down. I feel wrung out.

Back later ....

supernatural 5.16, epic episode

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