Posting before the month is out...

Jan 27, 2010 18:15

What the hell? Where did January go? I'm feeling vaguely ripped off in some cosmic time sucking vortex way. Seriously - six weeks of holidays and it feels like I happened to have an afternoon power nap and bam! Back to work tomorrow.

Several things about my life have occured to me and I need to articulate them is good. But as is my slightly ocd-ishness is wont to do I must listify these things.

1. My mum's eye basel cell carcinoma now means she has to have complete eye removal surgery next week. Seems they can no longer just remove tissue - it's going to keep recurring. She is understandably a little freaked out and upset by this but given she was given a new lease on life last year with my Dad's new kidney successfully transplanted she definitely wants to make sure it doesn't come back. Dad will be miffed if she doesn't take advantage of the Lifetime Warranty he gave her with that kidney of his.

2. Right now I'm feeling a little floaty - that's what ibruprofen combined with 24mg of codeine does to you I suppose.  It's all because it's apparently a dumbass idea to try lifting 40kg of limestone sand by yourself. I had a 20kg bag splayed across my arms. I then thought I could handle another bag on top. It was a moment of intellectual weakness okay? It was a really hot day to and I'm not sure I had enough oxygen in my brain. Anyway - the L4 and L5 of one's spinal column does not appreciate an extra 40kilos being added to it suddenly. *writes that down in the Do Not Forget column of Life's Lessons * I'm hoping with massage, heat pack, hot baths, some physio I'll be back running my dogs around by Friday night. Of course then there's softball Saturday.

3. Return to work tomorrow - I mean I am looking forward to seeing the kids again and meeting the new 8th graders but honestly my Holiday To Do List still has several key tasks not crossed off or ticked off in the little check box I drew. I like ticking check boxes. And crossing things off as done. So that sucks about going back to work.

1. I have a new vehicle on the way - and by on the way I mean in about 6 weeks. But it is bought :). And it will be duly christened the CUV - Canine Utility Vehichle. The photos will hopefully explain more. But more importantly the colour is Sensation blue and has a pretty dash display board. ;) My ute is getting special body fitted to the back of it so it won't look like this one in the back but it's the same front.

2. Puppy Savvy is now 4 months old and had her first show last Saturday where she won Best Baby puppy over the boy there. Now to clarify - I am NOT a dog show person (I am a dog agility person a completely different and far more relevant sport as faras I see it) so what I did was bathed and groomed said puppy and got the breeder to show her. Here are a couple of show shots of her - I'm loving her long supermodel legs right now - she's growing up into a very nice size.

3. Smallville is BACK this Friday, Supernatural last Thursday (5.11 Sam, Interrupted) was just brilliant - the word Pudding will never not crack me up now - ever. If it was said at someone's funeral I would still have to stifle the urge to giggle. And all my shows are producing great work - enjoying The Big Bang Theory, Criminal Minds, House and Scrubs.

And lastly - I'm gonna say I LOVED AVATAR. Even with all the fairly legitimate crticisms hurled at it I'm going to say right now that I found it to be truly a fantastic way to entertain myself for nearly three hours. I was so amazed by it I had to go see it three times. All the people I convinced to see it with me (and there were at least 9 or 10 of them) all saw it at least for a second time they enjoyed it that much. I'm glad I got to see something like that in my lifetime and good on James Cameron for seeing that dream of his come true.

real life, family, puppies, tvshows

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