Seat of my pants...NY Postage

Jan 04, 2010 16:47

Hooo Rahh!!! This is an extremely quick post to wish all on my flist a gigantic

!!!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
Go away for a few days and look what happens!?!! Flist at skip THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY! ZOMG! Tabs are now currently running at SIXTY FOUR! (See I like to write the numbers out - that way they sound more impressive). I hear Jared's getting married...what the? He's such a Jensen worshipper! (Anything he can do I can do better!) I need to find creditable sources to confirm. I see Tom is still a recluse - but a drop dead gorgeous one so he can recluse a way I'll still adore him.

Current status: Psyched for 2010 because no way could it possibly be suckier than 2009 (although 09 has it's highlights so it escapes by the skin of its teeth the prestigious title of Suckiest Year Ever in My Lifetime - haven't had one yet - planning on keeping it that way).

Have already read and finished first book of 2010 (that's what happens when you escape the burbs to spend quality time on the in-laws country farm for a few days with nothing but chillaxing to do interspersed with good eating, conversation, long rambling walks with four legged family members followed by frequents dips in the pool or ocean). So expect a review for Stephen King's On Writing shortly.

I need a TO DO list. But it needs two headings. The MUNDANE TO DO LIST - filled with such exciting things as change car insurance, send for Good Sammy's so I can declutter my life, wash car, do paperwork, run countless errands that never got done in 2009. Then there's the ME TO DO LIST - all the things I want to do - finish mainlining Gilmore Girls (those Gilmore chicks are crazy! But Dean is sweet and so I watch), catch up on Smallville and Merlin, finish The Big Bang Theory seasons so far (got S1 for Christmas and am now addicted - Sheldon makes me laugh so hard I...well you can fill that in). Make posts of awesomeness, update things, play with new 160GB Ipod, PS3 and Wii Fit Plus, write, READ - omg so many books on my To Read shelf and the TABS. Play with puppies - take them swimming, train the youngest one the basics (coming when called is really quite a handy trick), take them to training, take photos. This ME list is outta control already...I like that.

In conclusion of this very quick post (it's quick for me) I just wanted to say to all on my flist I appreciate every one of you and think you all have such brilliant qualities that make this fandom sandbox a place I want to visit everyday. Hope you all get what you wish for in 2010. Dibs on Tom and J2. Just saying...;)

random real life stuff, new years post, seat of my pants post

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