Omg True Blood this week!

Aug 03, 2009 20:05

Much flailage under the cut because this week's episode was a cut above the usual True Blood brilliance I have come to expect...

YAYS!!! Lafayette is BACK baby! It was soo awesome to see him back to his usual self - I must admit I found it really hard to watch such a wounded, dull and shallow echo of such a hugely colourful, vibrant and engaging personality there. I was so relieved he got his mojo back and of course it's all thanks to my most favourite vampire ever - Eric.

Speaking of Eric I have to say - he really makes all other vampires resemble pre schoolers just having their first taste of blood really. Including the entire vampire cast of the Twilight series (including the very cool Laurent and the Volturi - Aro, Caius, Jane, Alec and Demetri) Angel, Spike and even Ann Rice's creation of Lestat - and Lestat has been the epitome of the ultimate vampire for me for a very very long time. Eric has now taken prescedence. His brooding pensive 6'4 shoulders may have something to do with it - but his character development is particular his connection to Godric is utterly captivating.

Awww poor Jason - I'm quite sure he hasn't been killed off - more likely massively tasered, he provides far too much unintentional brevity to the series. His misguided and astoundingly innocent naivete combined with his total horn dog personality is a bizarre combination that somehow works. He really isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he generates more of a fond shaking of the head rather than irrate objections to his behaviour. He has qualities that we get to see glimpses of from time to time and that is what is going to keep him alive.

Poor Sam - there was a moment there where he was finding out exactly what Mary Ann was and what she could do and his perplexed face was all - How the fuck do I stop her? I may have actually yelled at the TV - Sammy! Call the Winchesters STAT!! There is seriously boatloads of material for an excellet True Blood/SPN crossover here and yeah there is that slightly contradictory canon thing where Vampires are not 'out' in the Spn world but it's a minor detail any half decent writer could overcome. So anyone know of any such fic??

So the MOST ADORABLE TV COUPLE EVER? Hoyt and Jessica - hands down. These two are just so cute and good together and Hoyt has finally convinced me he's not Nick the nasty Siren spliiting up the brothers from Supernatural anymore. He really is Hoyt the gorgeous virgin who just wants to make sure his girl's first time is just as perfect as she is. Awwwwww....I do so hope the writers let us wallow in their adorable story arc for a few episodes at least.

Tara's Eggs!! LOL!!! Hee Lafayette's reaction to Eggs was just PERFECT!! I have decided that in the category of  Most Shallow Superficial Choice of Favourite Human Character on True Blood - Eggs wins. And the writers clearly know it because ever since his introduction I don't think we've had an episode where he has not been shirtless for at least one scene.  I approve. Shirtless Eggs scenes are wanted only second to Eric scenes.

What a cliffhanger to end it on!! I love how Godric has changed from our first intro with him in Eric's backstory....and I cannot WAIT to see more. I initially thought it was Eric who had saved Sookie but even juicier - Godric was there!....I'm a little puzzled by the whole Eric wants Sookie line from Bill's maker Lorena - and curious to know what her end game is. Does Eric want Sookie for Godric? Did Eric release Godric so he could be the one who saves Sookie? I can't wait to see more.

true blood, epic episode, review

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