Spn4.18 - The Monster At The End of This Book

Apr 03, 2009 22:17

Honestly I thought my facial muscles were going to go into spasm watching this episode I swear. I haven't grinned so hard since Wishful Thinking.

So totally entertaining on so many levels it's hard to know where to begin. So I am not going to try and write it all down because much has already been said. But first just to clarify whilst this episode has probably nudged out BUABS/SKIN as my favourite episode ever I have to point out there were at least a couple of moments where I was feeling decidedly squirmy in my chair (and it had NOTHING to do with Wincest either!). I felt squirmy when the boys were at the house of the bankrupt publisher (the chick who looked like Rogue from X-Men) and she was basically recounting all their most tragic memories/experiences right there in front of them and wow that seemed sooo callous. Of course she has no clue but still - I did feel for the boys bigtime there.

Of course the second squirmy moment was with Chuck when he was having his guilt laden monologue about everything he put the boys through - talking about their Mom and then what happened to Jess. I think Sam was moving rapidly towards the stage of hitting him if he didn't shut up about that. I think I would have been just okey dokey with that as well.

Perhaps I don't take fandom as seriously as I should because I felt nothing but mirth in reaction to the whole exchange on fandom and slash and wincest. I certainly don't think there's any agenda here but to entertain and to mock the crap out of themselves and their fans in a way that is really innovative and funny. If anything this will open the door even further onto that facet of fandom, and also, as some have already so eloquently put - that seed has now been planted in our canon Sam and Dean. Sam over analyses a LOT - he is definitely going to be giving more thought to that whole concept. Dean's going to be questioning why and reevaluate his phenotype of masculinity. Works for me.

I know I was totally manipulated (but I don't care) the scene between Castiel and Dean outside the vending machine has now proved to me that Castiel is definitely worth more credibility - Misha did that scene brilliantly well - no doubt relishing the chance to show Dean he's actually grown a pair whilst he's been walking round in the meat suit.

spn4.18, brief thoughts

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