Fic Rec J2 AU

Feb 27, 2009 14:24

I have spent the last three days cramming in real life around the reading of this fic that has been recced in a lot of places already I know but it just didn’t feel right to enjoy a fic so much and not make mention of it on my journal.

Apart from the existing soft spot I have always had for beautifully haunting piano pieces and an unactualised deep seated desire to teach myself how to play piano this fic has absorbed me for so many other reasons than the accompanying soundtrack (downloadable and embedded piano mp3s that play while you read adding yet another layer of atmosphere to the world you get drawn into) and the subject matter. A J2 AU fic, it runs for about 180 thousands words and is not in any way a read to be rushed. Savour it and make sure you are not trying to get to the end too fast.

When it comes to J2 I tend to go for the non-AU ones first as I am just wired at the moment for glimpses (as make believe as they are) into their real lives so the J2 AU’s that have grabbed me are few and far between. This one had me within the first page, first 250 words. To be transported so artfully and naturally into a completely different world like that within such a short length of reading is rare and the way this writer narrates her story is clearly what engages the reader from the beginning. I find it hard to pin down good writing. As an English teacher you would think it comes naturally however writing style is so personally unique and subjective that I feel that making general statements about language use, narrative structure, prose composition to be entirely hollow and superfluous. I can tell you what I think are examples of good writing, but don’t ask me the details of why I think it’s good. It’s all so personal as to what appeals to you. It’s like asking why I prefer listening to a particular type of music or why I liked a particular movie over another. I can give you my reasons but that doesn’t mean you’ll feel the same way.

I do feel that with this fic though that it has the kind of style and quality of writing that will appeal to many, many readers of J2 AU’s. Even those not into J2 at all and I guess that’s the crux of any fanfic story. If you can change the names in this story and still have it stand up as a fascinating and completely enjoyable read for a far wider audience then you have something special. This story is special in that way.

Jensen’s magic is exactly that, instilling the feel of magic and wonder as you read of it. Masterful in its vivid depiction and the emotions so intertwined with his gifts are raw and pack a heartful punch, Jared is portrayed with such honesty and sweetness that you think you’d be a little overwhelmed by the schmaltzy goodness of him and yet my reactions towards him were never anything but extreme fondness and amusement for his straightforward expressions of how he feels at any particular time. His acceptance and wonder of who Jensen is, is just breathtakingly refreshing. I can’t say anymore without giving too much of the story away.

So if you enjoy well written long fics that make you feel happy and sad for the characters, proud and fond of the characters and that will make you break out in laughter and smile like an idiot at some of the scenes plus an extremely well chosen soundtrack to go with it, you should try this fic.

Doors Of Time by    felisblanco

fic recs, shortlisted fics, j2 au

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