True Blood 1.09 'Plaisir D'Amour'

Nov 06, 2008 20:56

Anyone on my flist watching this AND Supernatural? Because I think there's some fishy foreshadowing going on here.

Or it could be just my overactive imagination seeing things it would really love to see. So I have watched this series from the beginning and I believe it's in the very FIRST epsiode (or maybe the second) that we see the very deliberate placement of Bar Keeper 'Sam' Merlotte in the same shot as the Collie cross dog - you know just so we don't all go off thinking Sam could possibly be a Werecollie, because that would be wrong wouldn't it?

Anyway - I'm all confused now after this most recent episode that screened on Sunday night. I'm sure it will all become clear soon and is not just some massively stupid continuity stuff up of epic proportions because Alan Ball is way too smart to let something like that happen.
But back to the fishy foreshadowing I speak of. So Sookie adopts the werecollie for the night because he seems to be a 'long way from home' and what does she decide to name him? Remembering that this is really Sam we're talking about here...she decides to call him...DEAN! We have a Sam and a DEAN in True Blood now (like the show wasn't addictive enough already?). You might shrug 'So what...those character names are not so uncommon' BUT they're uncommon with this relationship we're talking here. I think that 'Dean' LIVES in 'Sam'. They are like connected soul brothers or other such Supernaturally stuff. Granted Dean would probably want to be more of the Rottweiler cross Bull Mastiff type of breed but I'm just saying.....the signs all look good for an Spn/True Blood crossover of brilliant awesomeness. What? Different networks? Pah. Minor detail. HBO should just take over Supernatural - mmm Sam and Dean on HBO? Oh the places they'd go. *g*

supernatural, true blood

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