So why 'Veritas'?
It's interesting they chose Veritas as the title and it is telling about what is the greater evil headed Clark's way in the near future. Given the way the story mapped out I thought the primary story line evolved around Brainiac/Clark/Kara/Lana rather than the Veritas story line which had less screen time but obviously has longer running implications. So what would have been an appropriate title for that story arc I wonder? Is there a single word describing being trapped in your own body in excruciating pain and helpless. Perhaps - Enslave or Subjugate...
But I get ahead of myself here.
My initial impression of this episode was that I was very involved and decidedly engaged with the story. I admit I was a little surprised as judging by a few things written on my flist when the ep first screened I did not hold out much hope. I didn't read any detailed reviews though as I don't like to be too spoiled. So when I caught myself very concerned about the way certain events were panning out and the way my heart strings were being noticeably tugged on at the end there well I was thoroughly impressed with the overall episode.
Brainiac Returns
norwich36 I was wondering what I was looking at with those opening shots, it didn't look very Smallville at all (more like a feature length film) and yet I really liked them. It was a different start and that's a rarity and the photography was beautifully shot. Milton Fine is looking very well at the moment, Brainiac must be feeding up bigtime. First nitpick though came with Kara workin' on the farm. Do the producers, directors, or any of TPTB think Kara's hair can only ever be loose and flowing? Impractical and unrealistic....or maybe her hair is so super it repels any and all farm related debris. Minor detail. I was a little shocked at the force of Clark's pull and shove move on him and it occurred to me that perhaps his strength has increased further still. It's a little difficult to surmise since there are no parameters to compare but it did cause me to wonder.
Jimmy/Lois Team Up
Did anyone else have the urge to kick Jimmy in the nuts with the wise ass crack about the 'big surprise, Clark called and Chloe left' ? I swear my palms were itchy. I like Lois, she is so out of Jimmy's league with everything I don't see this being a long lasting partnership. I did like the 'Insert Cool headline Here' shot. Maybe because it's such a familiar feeling. So felt nothing much for Jimmy here, a little sympathetic for Lois, then demanding when I wanted to know where that email came from. So this is the start of the Veritas storyline in this episode, and I was very pleased to see that Patricia's death wasn't just a throw away device from last week. She did deserve more.
Lex Luthor - Is he the Anti-Christ Clark afterall?
There's very little warmth emanating from Lex lately and that is all how it should be. But yay for that bullet in Detroit I say! My first thoughts were - I bet he remembers Clark stopping a speeding Jaguar from front on and unwrapping himself from the twisted metal. But like John Glover is quoted in the S6 Companion...He'd have to be stupid to not realise Clark is the Traveler. UNLESS he thinks Kara is the Traveler. That one I did wonder about. The childhood scenes were sweet if a little chilled by the conversation of the adults. I loved Ollie's bow and arrows I thought that was a nice touch. And what's all this 'dialogue' he's having with a minion??? Don't tell me he may actually have a minion who lasts more than three episodes, and he is so wrapped up in his own crusade right now to be oblivious to her overtures and weak kneed not so subtle fawning? Either way I like her and somehow have that Jamie Lee Curtis scene in True Lies where she strips off for Arnie in my head...I can see Lex enjoying that little game.
JO/LL Ambush
About the only purpose to this scene that I saw was the rather flamboyant revealing of the second key hanging round Lionel's neck. I think he really is losing it when he can't even retrieve a locket from a necklace without some grand physical gesture. Oh that and having Lois in a tight green polo tee and Jimmy doing a lovely Nikon product placement. Which when it comes to camera's should be the only camera of choice----> Gently points this out to TW who went with a Canon *shock horror* on his last outing to Sammy's Photographic Shop.
The NOT EVEN CLOSE to Flying Lesson
I concur with pretty much all the opinions I've read about this scene. Undoubtedly there was more to this scene and probably a certain injection of levity which would have been much appreciated by most of us especially
jeannev and with the ep running at a measly total of 39 mins you think they would have squeezed it in. Look most of us know and are completely accepting that we will not be seeing Clark flying anytime soon BUT that does not stop the creators from having a little fun with what is now an undeniably mind over matter issue. Tom does humour and comedy with such great finesse they really should be utilising his talent in that respect as much as possible. I had to be content with that look that went with the 'Not helping' comment. *BEAMS* That did make me smile and who cares if my head was filled with the completely irrational thought of 'I bet he's used that one on MR when Mike was trying to be so 'helpful' with running lines or something.'
ISIS...even the acronym sounds creepy
JM as Fine/Brainiac was soooo cold, batshit evil and calculating in this scene. I didn't have a clue what he'd done to her though. At first I thought maybe he's integrated some sort of virus into her because the whole time since she got blown up Lana has been a *clone* and therefore containing nanites or other such cyborg elements that he could tap into. Verily I see my brain is not tuned into the writers wavelength by any stretch of the imagination. Lana seemed pretty powerless in this scene and this seemed to echo horribly with her assumed fury. Either way she shut up pretty quick once he did his kryptomindmeld on her. The look of satisfaction on his face afterwards reminded me of Sylar's expression in know when he cuts people's heads open and sucks their powers out...that look.
So pleased when Chloe informed him that there was no time for a guilt session. Chloe (AM) you rock and I will always love you even when you fuck up which is like hardly *ever*. Yes Clark you should have protected Patricia but you didn't and now she's dead so move onto step 2 of the grieving process and bring her killer to justice...oh after you take care of Brainiac that is. And boy you need to watch it with the pouncing on Chloe with demanding queries like 'Why didn't you tell me they found her dead last night?' Give the girl a break and for godsakes learn to turn that puter on and check your own news for a change. But for all my griping I did love the look he gave her when he was starting in on the 'I may be starting to mope about her death' session. I can always look at woobie!Clark, endlessly it would seem.
Ding Dong the Magnificent Bastard is No more
Whilst I had the sense of impending doom regarding Lionel that I determinedly forced into a box and nailed shut I have to say after tonights episode everyone was right and I was wrong last week. There is no MB, he has not returned and I have resigned myself to the knowledge that he will not be surfacing in the forseeable future (however short Lionel's future may be) So utterly desperate and grovelling and totally non threatening Lionel is the way he is going to bow out, so be it. It's a shame but inevitable I guess. And yes Clark is going to do a very good kicked puppy impression when he realises he probably should have heeded Lionel this one last time but I'm not going to blame him even if he's written that way. Clark did a very good impression of an angry, pacing, stalking and fearsome caged tiger here. It's a good thing his fuse is as long as a piece of string because I had the distinct feeling of a simmering barely repressed rage that was struggling not to throw Lionel through several walls. Made me want to see a scene in some future ep where he does lose it without any redk or Lois/Chloe/Kara stopping him from choking someone to death. Think I might be wishing there. I did think that Lionel must be more than just slightly off his game when he just left those potentially LexCrusadeEnding photos on the desk and failed to make a more concerted effort to give the key to Clark.
Kent Farm Now Home to Zombie Lana
Kudos to the makeup guys on those burns they did look damn nasty. And that's about it on this scene. Apart from the beginning of a niggling slightly percolating irritation about Kara all of a sudden imprinting Clark's personality trait and deciding that Lana is all her fault and that she needs to go with Brainiac. And now Clark steps up and sees the irrationality of Kara going with Fine when it means he could lose both Lana and Kara. *grumble grumble*
More Lois/Jimmy Snooping (Minus the actual Snooping)
Yeah more like handed all the information on a platter kind of research Lois likes best. *Shrugs* Oh well least Lex is on Lois's radar now. Though how they're gonna work that angle what with her working for him is a little complexity that I am sure the writers will overcome with ease.
Meanwhile back at the Daily Planet wee!Lex returns
I think the Maybe!Mercy handled that scene very well. I liked the line about the Third Reich, Sicillian Mafia and Al-Queda. Heh. Stick that in your 2,000 dollar Armani suit pocket Lex! Ahh but he adjusted well, I like that he is not quite into the 'flies into fits of rages at the slightest hiccup in his plan' evil!Lex yet. But boy is he on his way. And again we were blessed with a wee!Lex scene and boy did that relationship look even semi-sane back then between father and son. I do hope that tie wasn't a clip on though. My question is who was Lionel on the phone to??? Hmmmmm? I haven't thought about it too hard so if the answer is glaringly obvious please humour me. *Golf clap* too by the way for the stunning continuity with that newspaper headline and kudos to the prop guys for suitably aged newspaper.
Whilst On the Roof No Less
Okay deep breath. This scene is the most irritating out of the whole episode and the urge to just slap some sense into Kara was a little too strident. Again JM did a marvellous job with the clinical and detached manner he held whilst explaining to Clark that Lana was actually aware of what was going on and in excruciating pain. If ever there was a moment when Clark should have tested his long range jumping capabilities now would have been *it*. Ok I shall go back to the purple elephant, if you must go with Brainiac Kara (and I didn't see any reason compelling her however the guilt over Lana thing may have been attributed to this logic) surely you'd get some sort of...I don't know...guarantee/evidence that if she goes with him he releases Lana from her living and probably fiery hell? Also perhaps a few more details drawn out of Brainiac to give Clark a clue about where they were going what he had planned. Did anyone else think she seemed in an awful hurry to comply with Brainiac's demands??? *grumble grumble* Scene ending question expressed in typical comic book tone: What was that blue boom?
Sad Lionel and Chloe Telling It Like It Is
Well Lionel hauled out his now overused 'I'm a changed man' speech for Chloe. She didn't buy it (said with a smug expression of we knew she wouldn't because she is actually the smartest tool in the shed probably). Then he laid to rest any doubts that he was chosen by Jor-El to be Clark's emissary. He was the Vessel he was the messenger he was all that...blah blah. Ok this time he was genuinely trying to help but like Chloe said, he's just cried wolf one too many times. Sad but true. Again I do feel he could have been more constructive with his speech. As in used short sentences like "Lex is a threat to him. This key will let Lex unleash a weapon against Clark. Give it to Clark to look after." Oh and by the way "Hiding things under the floorboards of the barn not a scathingly brilliant idea." Instead no, he just tries to convince her that he is only trying to protect Clark again. Seriously Lion-less should be his nick name from now on. But bravo John Glover for making me squirm with the discomfort of your on your knees desperation. He should know that that look coming from him displayed to Chloe with her knowing all his dastardly deeds is just going to send a sane reporter girl running. And woe it was done! Oh well at least her brief touch of kicked puppy guilt will be flashing as usual when she finds out she should of listened to him, our Chloe is never one to mope. Though she nearly was permanently afflicted during the freaking out about being a meteor freak phase. So glad she's over that.
Final Heart Wrenching Scene
voldything asks - Where was this place? Looked like it could be similar to the place Chloe's mom was in. Regardless is definitely had the tone of sanitorium about it, the flowers and puppies version of Belle Reve I suppose. When that song started I decided the TPTB and the director were definitely in cahoots about trying to wrench every single heart string of the viewer. Let me be clear here that I don't like Lana, or rather I don't like the direction her character has developed in for the last three seasons. Can't say I dislike her completely as some fanfics I've read write a...wait for it.....sane and normal and decidedly likeable Lana. Heh...there's a new concept. So when I say my heart strings were tugged I have to say it was solely because of Clark (or rather Tom's portrayal) and that damn sad song (which by the way I took the lyrics as being from the POV of Lana). The scene was beautifully shot, the use of the window to frame them at the end with the angel statue, purely eye pleasing aesthetic there. The lighting was spot on and the presence of Chloe a master stroke. How Tom does those scenes so well is beyond me, but he should stop it cos it hurts to see him like that and I know it's only a TV show but really. Scenes like that make me remember how far he's come, no way could he have done brevity and raw emotional pain like that in the first few seasons. Whilst I think Lana does need to be paying for her mistakes I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Clark still loves her in some way (his love has definitely and justifiably changed...tempered?..over the last two seasons), for all her faults and fuck ups and he always will and this is one of the traits that will contribute to the persona of Superman, so whilst I have grave reservations about their couple potential I've reconciled my outright dislike of her character with the respect I have for Clark's motivations. I know many of you never have and never will but that is what makes fandom interesting.
I'm very curious as to the weapon in the Zurich bank vault or rather what will be revealed as the means by which to control the Traveler. I think it is going to be farcical if there's a post-it note with the words -Kryptonite aka Green Meteor Rock from Smallville. I'm sure it won't be that trite. Surely.
Overall I liked it and so far it's ranking in 3rd place for season 7.
Redteekal's Top 5 S7 SV
#5 Bizarro.
What's everyone else's top 5 for S7 or...*winces* top 3 if you haven't been able to handle much of S7.
And here endeth the review.