AT LAST!! The final day of Hellatus is here....

Oct 08, 2013 13:50

And in honour of that let me put this here and complete this meme!

Day 21. Favourite Sex Scene? It has to be a tie. Between Sam and Madison in Heart and SoullessSam and Random Female Victim in Unforgiven. I gotta say sex scenes must be one of the most challenging scenes to write, act and get right. You've got shows where they always seem to just fit seamlessly and appropriate (Spartacus I'm looking at you also Californication) and other shows where they are like rare creatures seldom seen by the public and looking completely out of place in their new environment. Sometimes SPN does it right but not always. However when they get it right they get it right so well I forget those times it didn't quite flow with the episode.

Day 22. Least favourite episode or season. I am with ash48 on this through and through. Swap Meat was beyond redemption.  I like to refer it as Swap Dean, since apparently Dean was replaced in this episode by some sort of muppet with absolutely no kind of Winchester brother history whatsoever. What made it worse was the body swap story had so much more potential than this. Ugh. DISLIKED INTENSELY. There's not many of them.

Day 23. Favourite Winchester Family member. It's a tie. Between Henry Winchester and Bobby Singer. I thought the concept that Bobby is just as much family (if not more in some cases) as John or Mary or Adam was a real solid move in the writing. Then of course when we get more of Bobby's back story it becomes even more plain to see. But that episode with Henry was fantastic. I really enjoyed that character.

Day 24. Funniest Episode. Tall Tales was winning for a long time then The French Mistake came along. And Changing Channels. I'm not calling this one - all three of these will have me laughing out loud and it doesn't matter how many times I see them.

Day 25. Favourite Season Premiere. Lazarus Rising. This episode was like a perfectly played piece of intense classical music. There wasn't a single moment where I wasn't riveted to the screen. What a roller coaster ride delivering just the right notes and balance of answers and questions. Plus the arrival of Castiel was pretty fucking impressive.

Day 26. Character I'd Most Like To See Return. Frank Devereaux. We haven't seen a body so in my book he's still alive and his abrasive and blunt manner with the boys just amused me no end. A smart cookie I can see him and Charlie making a fabulous source of help for the boys.

Day 27. Favourite SPN Sam Quote. In Free to be You And Me he says "There is always reason for hope." I love that line. It's really stuck with me. Reminds me of his relentless never quit attitude, his sheer bloody mindedness and pure steel will that gets him through. It's one of his most admirable qualities whilst still being a flaw at times.

Day 28. Favourite SPN Dean Quote. Oh my so glad we've had 8x23 because it is there in black and white: "Don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you! It has never been like that, ever! I need you to see that. I'm begging you." prior to this it was this one from The End: "Long story. The point is...maybe we are each other's Achilles heel. Maybe they'll find a way to use us against each other, I don't know. I just know we're all we've got. More than that. We keep each other human."

Day 29. Meg 1.0 or 2.0? I think Nikki Aycox was great every episode she was in and Rachel Miner was fantastic in ONE episode. So I'm going with Meg 1.0 on overall likeability for me. It was such a shame that I felt Rachel had finally got a handle on her Meg when she up and died at the end of it! Grrrrr.

Day 30. Favourite Season Finale? Well it's just got to be Season 8's Sacrifice. Swan Song and The Man Who Knew Too Much both very strong and very close seconds! Ugh. Swan Song. That was just sad all round. So poignant. Loved it in a very masochistic way I must say.


30 day challenge

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