I have been remiss...but not missing.

Nov 18, 2012 13:27

From the distinct lack of LJ updates anyone would think I have gone AWOL in this great and vast land consisting of many States with unusual borders. But no...I have been here in the online world but I have been Instagramming, Twittering, Facebooking, Wordpressing, Tumblring, Emailing, Leaving Mammoth Commenting Epistles (sorry ash48 I just couldn't help myself and I swear I wasn't scolding!), Reading my Flist and everything else APART from actual LiveJournaling.

But we have also been out there - yonder in the travelling Australians in America type world:
Currently residing at the Rodeway Inn (aka Wasn't this a Supernatural Motel Location?) in
- Niagara Falls NY
Before that:
- Niagara Falls, ONtario Canada

Before that:
- Hershey Pennsylvania

Before that:
- Washington DC

Before that:
- Elyria OH

No neat instagram here. We did go to the Cracker Barrel. Does that count?

Before that:
- Barnett/Chicago IL

Stayed with the very lovely and brilliant conversationalist serenography who's not around much anymore but still very much a fangirl at heart...I know - WE TALKED and it was perfect, also great meeting her husband and her son. Hope to some day repay the generosity they showed us when they make their epic trip down under. ;-)

You see a pattern here right...we have been roadtripping ALL over the show. And thankfully I can now recall that I did at least post a couple times, maybe three about the Chicago con, but then we were there for another 6 days after that and it was GREAT and there were MOAR photos. But first let me share some of my favourite pretties from the ChiCon taken by my most fav BNF photographers wolfpup2000 and elsiecat

Please note - carpet burn very visible on chin. Said to be earned whilst trying to save Misha from
Jared during 'fight training' session in Toronto hotel room. They have both since mentioned that
Misha didn't actually know the rules including the 'Tap out' signal and so when Jared was 'showing the
pin the arm behind the back move with opponent lying face down on the floor' there was an audible cracking sound
from Misha's elbow joint and Misha informed us that they hope to have his arm return to full range of motion any day now.
It's good to know they really are just gigantic, much better looking teenage boys at heart.

Can I just say LJ is still a complete and utter demon spawn hormone of a cow to me when it comes to uploading pics...
I click INSERT Photo...I choose (stupidly probably) BROWSE...I select my pics...and hit UPLOAD. Nothing happens. It NEVER happens on the first try. I X out. I click INSERT PIC...I hit Browse and this time when I select it starts uploading photos. BUT don't get too excited because then it stops halfway through and I get a banal little box saying Common Error. Like I'm not even fancy enough to be more important than just COMMON. So Repeat the process AGAIN. This time all pics uploaded (I never do more than 4 at once and that's rare) and I see them all there in their neat little thumbnail boxes with the ADD TO POST button MOCKING me from the bottom right corner. I click, laughing maniacally knowing full well NOTHING will happen. But I have to go through this the first time...nothing happens. I X out - am I sure I want to cancel without Saving? WHAT EVEN? Repeat all of the above steps with tedious and sigh wrenching frustration. And VOILA I have a picture INSERTED into a post. Why don't I just upload them somewhere else and use the URLs you say? WELL...because the same BLOODY thing happens...which is to say NOTHING until on my third attempt it goes Oooh look - she's trying to put a photo in...oh we can do that. Now. THERE IS NO RHYME OR REASON TO THIS MADNESS. So now we have come to the crux of my clearly not so subconscious aversion to posting in LJ right now. I want to post pretty pictures DAMMIT.

I shall keep slogging away...because BOYS okay...they just shall not be put in a corner.

Oh there's so many more I want to share, but in the interests of me not plotting to storm the LJ admin building (it's in Russia I could take it you know!!) and demanding better service before my photo uploading head implodes I am going to go and email someone. Or something. This is a paid account FFS I shouldn't be staying away from it because loading photos is a right PITA.

Oh and one last little thing....looks like Jus In Bello 4 in Rome is definitely a goer for me and my fantabulous sister next year - darling girl won us both a Prophet Pass each and of course me being completely...what's the word...not insouciant...RIDICULOUS? Has just scored a couple of extra meet and greets with J & J. Seems one M&G per con is not enough. Ack! What even? *handwaves* I know I KNOW. I promise to report back ever so faithfully and listen to any and all suggestions for questions.

Wait I lied. I have seen the following and approve YOU ALL to go see them: Lincoln, SkyFall, Cloud Atlas and Argo. Go my lovelies...escape from reality for a little while and be mesmerised by this magic stuff we call movie making.

I am currently reading The Fountainhead. Picturing Jared as Howard Roark of course. Early days yet so it's all going swimmingly well. In between voting the hell out of the Bille Celeb Charity Challenge thingy - I fear we shan't overcome that blonde and probably adorable if I cared to know, Dianna Aragon or whatever - but we MUST ENDEAVOUR!! (We can always win NEXT month but I'll cry knowing fandom got behind Misha non stop and then Jensen non stop and we shall not have a three month victory dance with the trifecta of having Jared win this month)  And then get onto Facebook and get the PCA App running so that you can vote incessantly for Show, Fan Following and Jared Padalecki.

And for what it's worth - The Samsung Galaxy S3 is my very newest and bestest technological friend ever. Just saying. And the blue goes with my jeans so well.

Next stop...BOSTON!! Hurrah! I think I'll drop into Harvard and see how the clever people live.

rambling, jensen ackles, lj why so cantankerous? photos, boys, jared padalecki, travel

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