The Jensen Casting Story in Words and Pictures

Sep 29, 2012 13:28

The Dallas Con Breakfast - Jensen Casting Story

In this seven frame set I tried to capture some of Jensen’s expressions as he relayed his horror casting story to us.

This particular casting director is female and wears glasses, the kind she can look over the top of as soon as you walk in the door so as Jensen said “she gives you this long look up and down once” and then makes this very disconcerting uh huh noise. And then goes back to her notes leaving you just standing there.

Somehow my camera had a very strange effect as I snapped the one of Jensen just standing there like a piece of livestock being assessed in that his eyes went all Walking Dead on me. I kept it because it freaked me out and fascinated me at the same time.

Then Jensen goes onto describe how he had like pages of dialogue to learn for this audition and he barely gets through any of it when she just holds up her hand to interrupt him and ask:

“So what are your feelings on the aids epidemic currently killing millions in Africa?”

Jensen was so animated as he told this story with the expressions on his face as he relived it in front of us, he was all “Uh WHUT??” Thinking that he’d missed something in the script reading, that he was pretty sure that line wasn’t in it and he was all “Uhh I’m sorry?”

Dragonlady casting director repeats the question - So what do you think of it?

He explains how he was completely taken aback by this and simply went with “Uhh well I think it’s very tragic what’s happening over there” And Jensen says he could see her just staring straight at him, scrutinising his answer and then before he’d even finished doing a page she was all: “I see. Well thanks very much we’ll be in touch.” And he hadn’t even done the audition properly.

jensen ackles, breakfast, photos, horror casting story, dallascon

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