Acklelades for the Ackles....HEAR HEAR!! Backstage Report for JA

Sep 24, 2012 11:30

You all know he looked like this right?

So I'm not going to try and do any kind of justice with words describing how fine Jensen Ross Ackles was looking today I'm just gonna jump straight in to the 15 minutes we got with him backstage today:

He was asked about a particular storyline that got dropped, never resolved? I wasn’t sure which one but he talked about how they’ll throw a lot of things around and see what sticks and that they also assess the reception a particular storyline gets in terms of the viewers and if it’s well received then those storylines tend to be more long lived and seen through.

Was asked about acting coaches - they don’t have one on the set of Spn and he found it unusual that there was one on another show. He personally didn’t think LL Cool J and Chris O Donnell would need it! He said Jared had one on set for the first couple episodes but he didn’t know why as he felt Jared didn’t really need him. But he asked if he could get some tips and advice from the guy and so they ran through a script together and halfway through the session Jensen basically walked out - he explained to the guy that he was gonna get too much inside his head and mess him up too much when it came to his take on Dean because this acting coach was being super analytical and breaking down ever single scene, trying to get Jensen to think about all kinds of things to do with Dean and where his motivation comes from for this expression or that expression, he was all about method. And Jensen’s like Errr what? He didn’t go to acting school, he never took acting classes, never studied a particular method/approach. So he basically told the guy yeah this is not helping, you’re messing with my head here. So he left. I got the feeling that Jensen’s acting has been developed just through his own gut instincts most of the time as in he is a very in the moment kind of actor, I felt that he very much read Dean as an uncomplicated kind of guy and just played him very surface.

Also was asked about a particular storyline that got dropped, never resolved? I wasn’t sure which one but he talked about how they’ll throw a lot of things around and see what sticks and that they also assess the reception a particular storyline gets in terms of the viewers and if it’s well received then those storylines tend to be more long lived and seen through.

Asked about what his song would be, the one he would want playing whenever he walked into a room. Depends on what room first off, so we narrowed him down to rooms with family or friends then he laughed and said the first thing that springs to mind is probably silly but The Final Countdown although he could think of some situations where that wouldn’t work - such as his funeral.

How are his dogs? His dogs are doing great, happy and well.

Was asked about the person on the set who is always there with a script to feed lines to actors when they need it when they are filming a scene, what’s their title and how do they get to that job? He smiled at this one when he thought of the Supernatural situation which is quite different from other shows he believes in this respect. They’re called a script supervisor and they not only do that but also are standing on set behind the director and watching the dailies and making notes about continuity in scenes shot from multiple angles etc.  Making sure that if he has his left hand in his pocket on one take that it’s back in there when they do a take from different angle. However on the set of Supernatural their Props Manager Robyn has taken over that job of feeding lines to the guys if they need it, also she runs lines with both Jared and himself, and also she will read the lines out in terms of when a phonecall scene is shot and say Dean is in the impala and Sam’s at a gas station and dean’s on his cell but Jared’s not even there so Robyn will lie across the back seat and read Jared’s part to him so that he can do his take. Thi is not in her job description but it had just worked out that she’s stepped into the role since she’s always on set floor anyway with the props management and stuff and it’s easier for them to just say quietly off to the side to Robyn “Hey gimme that line, or what’s that line again?” Rather than them just yelling across the set floor to the script supervisor who is behind the camera with the Ads “Hey what’s my line again??” Jensen said that this happens a lot with the crew - you’ll find everyone stepping in at some point to do other people’s job titles because they’ll see that it will be better, or more efficient or is helping out more as the other person is already doing something  else. You don’t get that “Nu uh I’m not doing that, that’s not my job” mentality that you’ll see on other sets. And Robyn doesn’t care that she’s not listed on credits in any script capacity because it doesn’t matter - they’re all pulling together for the same thing and it really is like a family helping each other out because they know it’s about the end product being as good as possible.

A discussion arose about the Impala parked out the front, two of the fans at the table actually own it and described to Jensen how it was fully kitted out with help from the Supernatural props department to make the arsenal in the trunk look exactly like the one in the show. Jensen looked through photos of this and then asked Jamison what was under the hood and then there were some numbers and an engine type/model mentioned which I didn’t catch which Jensen got all gleeful about along with the spot lights fitted to this one and then he explained how they’d removed the spotties on theirs and have now put a souped up much bigger horsepower engine in there and how the rumble is so deafening that they have to tone it down in order to do any acting in the car otherwise you can’t even hear the lines being said. So it was pretty much a very sweet mutual Impala loving exchange that had Jensen grinning from ear to ear saying he’d love to check it out if there was time. Rock on Ariel and Jamison - you did a great job with it!

And then he had to go :(

But have to say he was completely up and happy and seemed excited to have his family with him, he’s psyched for Season 8 and as per usual Jensen style - was just the epitome of a thoughtful, intelligent, articulate gentleman who just so happens to have won the genetic lottery and is just very, very VERY easy to look at.

jensen ackles, dallascon, backstage conversations

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