Van Con J2 Panel Post #4 - Jared Part 2

Sep 02, 2012 13:40

My headings for posts are confusing me. Have some more photos. I now want to take professional PS3 lessons. And practice more people photography.

Okay I'll rephrase. Practice more Supernatural people photography.

And also I want you all to know Season 8 has now become quite possibly the MOST ANTICIPATED SEASON EVER for me. And that's all I'm going to say on that. If you know me at all and where my passions lie when not busy with Supernatural then you'll figure that out quick (assuming you have seen or read about this teeny tiny probably insignificant little spoiler that has ALL THE FEELINGS for me). ha I love my "and that's all I'm going to say on that" as if. my mum always did say I suffer from verbal diarrhea at times.

Did I mention on the location tour when we were at the site of the Crossroads scene that the area was suddenly over run with dog walkers and their pack? I actually ignored Russ Hamilton for a good ten minutes at that point. Just saying. I MISS MY PUPPIES!

Moving on. Jared Panel Photos, including one where he maybe doing an artistic impression of a fish. I don't even know.

This is one I have posted before but I prefer this edit.

So I don't truly believe you could pin down this guy's eye colour. If someone asked me I'd say Mercurial.

vancon, congratulations on your face, jared padalecki

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