Misha's son West (who I personally feel was sent to this planet to completely fuck Misha up in that Children Are Sent To Try You kind of fashion with much amusement for the rest of us) has taken to terrorising the local Vancouver Geese. They might be shifting their migration forward. I couldn't resist tweeting some of my photos from the panel and this is what resulted.
Misha's face after he googled how extremely fatal the consumption of Goose shit is because when he uses that "NO! Don't do that!" fatherly authoritarian tone (as West goes to stick Goose shit in his mouth) his son does the exact opposite with much machiavellian like glee on his face.
#Overheardatvancon Misha descriptors: "Fluffy" - via Speight. I'm going with "a touch of disconcerting with a side of impish". Exhibit A above.
See this started out kinda sweet and warm (heart, cockles kind of warming right?) when they were asked who on the cast they'd most like to get closer too.
But then..
Misha always has to take it to that extra step - where Jim steps away and starts looking a little disturbed.
As is common at these things the topic of pole dancing is discussed and Jim is imagining Jared's skills.
Okay gotta run now...Breakfast with the boys and then busy, busy!