Feb 23, 2008 16:37
Have bitten the bullet and purchased a 12 month LJ account. Have very little idea about possible advantages of said purchase/upgrade apart from more userpics. Someone please tell me what new fandangled stuff I can do with a paid account so I can turn to the other half when he queries this suspicious looking internet credit charge and dazzle him with all the new attributes my LJ has.
Does this mean I can make my own banner/layout for my journal? If this is possible can anyone point me in the general direction of "Customising LJ layouts for Dummies"?
I had gone off the colours of my last LJ layout so chose this one. Kyoto is on my list of cities to visit before I die so why not get familiar. It will do until such times as I have a beautiful layout for my LJ. "Beautiful' being code for stunning Tom Welling graphic.
Still haven't figured out the 'how to replace mood/state of mind text/icon with own pic', I like seeing them on other LJs so will endeavour to self teach on that one.
Recent viewing update: No SV this week so watched Obsession, Resurrection and Crisis. Liked Obsession the best because of the Calicia scene in Clark's bedroom. Two other favourite scenes over those three was where Lana asks Clark about what Alicia told her ie Clark told Alicia the truth about him and that he's still in love with Lana and Clark just agrees when Lana says that was all just part of the crazy things Alicia said. And the scene at the end of Resurrection where Clark and Lana speak about how they are friends who can tell each other everything and yet the last question by Lana is 'What do you think is in the serum?' Clark has to answer 'I have no idea' and as he turns to go the look on his face says it all. There is no way he'll ever reveal everything to her. Again back at the Talon at the end of Crisis Clark sounds so lame trying to explain how he got from the call centre to Lana in mere seconds.
Watched Spn 'Jus in Bello' really liked it, thought it was well done and loved the more than likely inadvertant reference to Cheers with Lillith being as evil as all get up. Dean was sweet - 'I am not sacrificing some sweet innocent girl who hasn't even been laid' and Sam was...well I am more than a little concerned for the boy.
Also watched the first three eps of Six Feet Under (yes, yes slow on the uptake here but only watching due to Michale C Hall's presence based on my fondness for Dexter) and found it to be delightfully slightly left of centre enough to intrigue me to see more. OH and I both enjoy it enough and agree that we'd invite the four main characters round for dinner if we could - I like David (it's ok he's Bi) and Nate and he likes Brenda and Claire.
SGA - well the fanfic writers would have had a field day with the recent eps I have watched. I don't remember their names - but there seems to be a pattern emerging - first we had a McKay/Sheppard centric ep where they have to babysit 13 year old brat Queen to be (none other than the girl who played Emily Dinsmore in SV - yes still a spoilt brat) in the jungles of some planet, next ep we had Sheppard/Ronin centric ep with a replicator running around on Earth and the last one I watched was a McKay/Carter/and Jennifer centric ep with a great script which included a game of who would you fool around with taking place between Carter and Jennifer with McKay occasionally offering his opinions immediately clarified with his version of the 'not that there's anything wrong with that' speech. OH concluded at the end of that ep that he would be hard pushed to decide which one he'd choose if he could have a hot date with either Carter or Jennifer. Same situation McKay found himself in really when trying to extricate himself from possibly badly interpreted comments on both womens' figures.
lj stuff,