38 days, one agility world championships, three Spn cons and 9 cities later...

May 28, 2012 04:21

And I'm still not home quite just yet. Will be in about 12 hours. CANNOT WAIT! And yet I'd happily relive several moments right now - getting to meet netlynn, all the Meet and Greets with EVERYONE at JIB, stepping to the line with Miss Pip in the main arena of the World Agility Open Championships, all the panels from JIB3 and AHBL3, plus breakfast with Richard, Misha, Corin and Jim. It's been an absolute whirlwind of the most FANTASTIC events. Yeah I gotta pinch myself from time to time to make sure this is all real. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky.

I MUST get together at the earliest possible moment with Ash48 and Zebra363 in order to watch the final five or six episodes of Season 7 on the big HD screen back home. I'm stoked I have seen them via my MacBookPro but I NEED them wide screen and HD.

And I am SO behind in all things LJ I'm not sure I'm gonna catch up before I hop a plane with my two girls back to Sydney on the 11th for a week at our Australian National Agility Championships. But I will do my best. I have half typed up the final Jensen Meet and Greet from JIB3 and there are still pictures to edit and upload and somewhere in there my family are getting together for multiple birthday celebrations. Mine on Wednesday, MIL on the following week.

Already I'm plotting for next year - don't know how yet or even if it will happen BUT JIB4 is being held on the 10th to the 12th of May and the World Agility Open Championships are being held on the 17th to the 19th of May in Northern Spain. Miss Pip's owner is more than happy for me to handle Pip again. (Missed out on a podium finish by 0.04 of a second unbelievable!) Somebody is trying to tell me something there....just hope my Principal gets it! LOL!

I need to add some pictures to this post!

Aussie team photo...that's me and Pip on the end with sunglasses on my hat. Because that's how I roll. Besides it was so damn sunny in Belgium I needed them!

Miss Pip - such intense focus on her little furry black face - I seriously wanted to smuggle this doggy back into Australia!

I relive this run constantly in my head - it was great fun but damn two little bobbles cost us bigtime. I wanna do it again!

If you wanna see what shenanigans took place at AHBL3 check out my tweets on Twitter - I'm @redteekal there too.
In the meantime make of these what you will:

all the feelings, all the things

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