Hey, guys! If you haven't noticed me around lately butting into your posts or just leaving retarded comments, there's a reason for that! I'm not dead. I swear. If I was, having LJ in the afterlife would be a dream come true, but having to work would not. Ugh, work. So this is what's going on with me, and hopefully, I can catch up with you guys in the coming days:
- I've been CONSUMED with
st_respect and the Ship Olympics for Star Trek! It's a blasty blast, and I'm meeting so many new people that I'm so excited to be a part of a new fandom since SPN has become a wankfest galore. And if you want to comment something differently, please do so, and I'll be glad to point out my complaints. As for right now, I'm off the SPN bandwagon for the mo', until at least the season is ended and I can catch up on my fan fic in peace.
- I've also been slowly but surely finishing my
apocabigbang story and my story for
siiy which is so long overdue, it's insane. I'm sorry, hun! Working on it, I promise! My thought bunnies just keep breeding more thought bunnies and it's esploding into something new and different each damn day.
- As
froggyfun365 reminded me a few weeks ago, I've seriously negelected my Descent 'Verse, which is my baby. I'm coming back to that soon enough, hun! As soon as the QAF is done, I'm so there!
- My fucking laptop cord decided to fucking quit on me, so my laptop hasn't charged and is currently dead. GOOD NEWS: Best Buy has the warranty and is shipping me a new one; it should arrive here in a few days. BAD NEWS: I can't stay up until 3AM anymore posting and reading and writing and reading and posting. So I'm sitting at the ugly (I LOVE YOU COMPUTER DON'T DIE ON ME) desktop in the kitchen where writing porn and reading it JUST DOES NOT HAPPEN. Especially when my dad is two feet away and can't abide my mad typing skillz.
- I'll be off the computer almost completely from March 25th to the 28th because I'm going to San Francisco for
franzzypants's bday!
- I'm also looking for another job!! I applied at four different Starbucks and hopefully will one day be able to leave that hell hole I call...well, you stalkers won't know! I just can't stand my job anymore, and it feels so good (and scary, since I've been there two and a half years come the 21st of March) to be able to look at something else.
I think that's about it!!! So I'm still here, haven't abandoned you guys yet, and am currently trying to catch up like a madwoman here!