114 flames

Jan 15, 2010 23:51

It's happened again. Another cycle. I wonder how many times it's been now... I've been here for almost two years, but it never gets easier. What he said was wrong. I'm not like that--

I have to keep watching out for things. But I can't keep being quiet like this. It'd make Umi and Mokona and Shizuka-san worry.

...Things will turn out all right, won't they, Satoru-niisama? They have to.

Ah-- Before anyone worries, Umi's left the City. I didn't hear her this morning so I checked the Hall. She'll probably be back.

I'm sorry I've been so quiet! How has everyone been? It seems like a lot of new people just showed up! It's really felt like a long time since so many came. You all haven't had any trouble have you?

not affected, curse, umi, grabbag

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