Jan 18, 2007 21:27
More wind and rain today. Nearly had a heart attack at lunchtime when one of the windows blew open. Had a traveller in Stuttgart and her PA rang me this morning because they were worried that her flight back to London for this afternoon would be cancelled. So we rebooked a flight that went via Paris because if the Paris to London flight got cancelled then she could take the Eurostar. So the Paris to London flight was cancelled and she was put on the next flight and that was cancelled too so I booked the Eurostar. Had a bit of a problem due to me asking for Paris to London and the website booking London to Paris but I got it all sorted and the traveller was queuing to pick up her ticket when they gave an announcement that a tree had fallen across the line and the Eurostars were cancelled.
It was at this point that I went home.
Had a classic at the quiz last night. While the papers are being checked there is always a question to fill in time. It's always on the basis of 'In what year were bananas forst eaten in the uk?' or something like that and people have to go up to the quizmaster and guess a year. We never ever bother with this in our team and usually just have a chat whilst others are writing down years and trying to work it out. Anyway the question last night was 'In which year were births, marriages and deaths first registered in the UK?' Well for the last coule of months dad has been researching our family tree so we've been looking on all sorts of geneology sites so I got straight up, went to the guy and said '1837' and I was right! I felt quite guilty then cos I'd spoilt everyones fun but we got a £10 voucher out of it.