Hey there, a huge thank you to the following, [
pig_farmer &
sunkisseddays ] for being such nice LJ friends and giving me a hug! I appreciate it so much you guys, you don't even know! haha. I'm feeling so much better now! Thanks again! ♥
Yesterday I had an all-nighter, completed more assignments and a paper on 'Contemporary Sports Issues' and it was very draining. However a major in sports science has always been on my cards and I know I want to succeed in this field so I am adamant to keep striving and hurling myself forward for this 4 years.
As you guys would have guessed, my weekend was 'ruined'. A lot of complications in my mind and I was lacking focus but I'm all good now. A tennis match is coming up this wednesday against this girl from Boston U. I think I'm actually not that up to task but hopefully, i'm mentally prepared.
I can't wait to get on the subway to NY in two weeks with my suitemates! After all the nonsense the past few days, that is like a bright oasis shining in the middle of the parched essays-filled desert of mine.
A-Okay, I shall go and do more reading ahead of another test next week. OMFgg. I can't believe the very naive me even wanted to do double-major before I came to college. So now you know! One never realizes how ambitious one is, before one even begins college!
Any Sports Science Majors out there? I'd love to meet you!
I'm still thinking about Jake. Words cannot even begin to describe how BAD i feel after seeing his 'oh, its okay' reaction but i knew what laid behind that was a very sad moment. I'm so sorry, Jake. I'm sure one day the right person will come, you deserve it so much more. I love you.