Dec 10, 2008 14:38
It's been a while since I've updated, and there are a million and then some things that are happening. First of all, and most major, as well as obvious, is that it's almost Christmas. And I haven't liked Christmas in at least 4 years, probably longer. I like the idea of Christmas, the pretty decorations and lights, the warm loving family, the good food, but it never plays out well. Something bad usually happens. Last year, my brother got blown up and almost died, the year before was rough, the year before that was horrific, and before that, I think I've blocked out the memories. I would like to say I'm cautiously optimistic this year, but that would be stretching the truth. We have the tree up, the shopping is almost done, and the plans have been laid. But who knows what will actually end up happening...
Secondly, we're still looking for a house. We've put two offers in on houses in the past, and nothing has come of it. I'm going to go and look at yet another house this afternoon, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm just getting anxious- I want a place to put the baby when it comes in May (or June). I want to plan the nursery, envision in it my mind, and eventually buy things to put it in. And that's difficult when you don't have a good idea of where you'll be living, nevermind a room. I know whatever happens, we'll make it work, but I'm just anxious.
In other news, this baby keeps sending me to the hospital. Not for anything wrong with the baby, but because I've been so sick. I've been 4 times, and two of the times have been overnight visits. I've met most of the nurses, and most of the doctors. I would love to give the morning sickness (which was "supposed to" have stopped three weeks ago) the boot, but unfortunately, it looks like it's sticking around.