Nov 21, 2004 17:54
I'm so excited abotu YIG this year, no distractions and no confrontations! I'm so excited I don't have to worry at all because i'm presiding!
like sara kyle and leslie and i were the only ones who knew parliamentary proceedure like the back of our hands. I didnt even need the handbook and the actual presiders were like Ummm...dooes...ummmmthe speaker? does the speaker umm whats that called? Yield? and I'm liek FUCKING RIGHT I DO!!!
Any way s modest mouse reminds me of summer and noah. I'm excited about both of those things, I really hope my brother doesn't die or kill himself this winter, becuase that would just be crazy. he's so dangerous some times ahha
WEll this weekend was good despite foiled plans ahah...It was a throwback weekend. and I enjoyed the olden days being relived.
havve a good night and safe ride home
much love and meeses
Lucy Fitzgerald Bullock