At school...

Dec 08, 2006 13:00

I'm in cad right now. My group won't let me work on the cad project so I have nothing else to do. Debbie won't let me do anything. If I even go near the bridge she says go away haha. So anyway...

Christina got me the coolest birthday present yesterday. It's an's a fish that you can plug your ipod into and it lights up and plays the music. It's pretty funny. I want to show people my new stuff, but i never can.

And I am so happy that it is Friday, and it's snowing too. It always seems to snow when the weekend starts, then stops snowing during the school week. God hates us, that's why...Figures when I am a senior we are goign to get the least amount of snow days possible. Soooo yeah...

I want to go bowling...and...right now i am bored...and that's all i have to say for now.
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