Hope and some homesickness

Nov 06, 2010 01:52

Good news! I’ve had the interview, and it was not with the scary dean lady I was talking about. It was with the college secretary who was authoritative but incredibly kind and supportive. No blame or guilt-stirring at all, just a lot of empathy and encouragement. It’s SO GOOD to know that an authority figure is on my side. It’s true, I have to submit more letters and sign up for a sort of study hall thing, but I am very willing to work at these.

I am still praying for the best. Right now, I’m feeling very hopeful. Thank you again, everyone, for your wonderful words in my last, anxious post. I love you guys. :D


I am now relaxing in bed and listening to the soundtracks of Suikoden 2 (my favorite video game until. the. end. of. Time. and one of my favorite stories ever.) and Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger, and I’m-GUH, I am honest-to-goodness teary-eyed. I want to hug all of their Youtube commenters because they’re saying exactly what I feel. I lovelovelove these games, their plots, their music and their characters with all my crooked, geeky heart. I love them every bit as much as I love my all favorite books and anime and TV shows. Wanting to play them again is almost like being homesick.

I think this coming summer, I’m going to buy another Playstation just for these babies. And of course for Final Fantasy 8 (my Wardrobe Door to fandom!) , Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy Tactics, Tales of Destiny and a handful of others…the list is small but I have so. much. love! I have not played an RPG in ages. I miss being a gamer.


I have my pom-poms out for everyone who is doing NaNo this year. You go, my lovelies!

-We shall not speak of me conking out at 20 000 last year. Hmmm. I haven’t even edited/printed that one yet…

real life, rpg love

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