New Fic: Time in a Bottle

Feb 26, 2013 22:14

Title: Time in a Bottle
Author: Khirsah
Fandom: Young Avengers
Pairing: Billy/Teddy
Rating: NC-17

Summary: Billy tried to smack Teddy away, but heat was already coiling low in his belly. His cock stirred, hardening at the warm self-satisfaction in Teddy’s eyes. “Stop that, jerkface, or my parents are going to walk in on a heck of a lot more than us sleeping together,” he muttered.

OR: Billy and Teddy have to be very, very quiet.

“If I could make days last forever,
If words could make wishes come true,
I'd save every day like a treasure and then,
Again, I would spend them with you.”
-Time in a Bottle, Jim Croce

It was just beginning to snow. Billy was dimly aware of the soft, wet noise of flakes hitting the windowpane and the rattle of the lower rail against the sill. He’d stuffed an old towel along the seam late last night, but tendrils of cold were still pushing their way through, dropping the temperature of his bedroom by a good five degrees. His face, turned instinctively toward the growing light, ached with cold.

God, he hated winter.

Billy wormed away from the window and burrowed into a cavern of blankets and boyfriend. Teddy grunted in protest, twisting instinctively away, but Billy just shoved frozen fingers up under the other boy’s thermal shirt and pressed his nose against Teddy’s chest, riding out the fitful shift of his hips. The blanket sagged down Billy’s shoulders and he shuddered dramatically, throwing one leg over Teddy’s to trap his hips against the mattress.

Teddy stilled, then sighed. “I hate you,” he said after a few long minutes, voice still rough with sleep.

“Shut up, you love me-cold.”

One broad palm settled between Billy’s shoulder blades, the other cupping the back of his skull, fingers threading through his hair. “I could just abandon you to freeze,” Teddy mused. “Strike out across the frozen wastes alone and take my chances with the restless natives.”

Billy squirmed to press his bare feet against Teddy’s calf in retribution. Teddy snorted, tugging at his hair, then reached down to grasp the edge of the trailing blankets. He hoisted them back over Billy’s shoulders before pulling the end up over their heads.


Billy hummed a low note of approval, lifting his face. The sunrise was dimmed through layers of wool, tinged red. The trapped air smelled like unwashed skin and morning breath and Teddy. He pressed a kiss to Teddy’s chest before settling back down again, curling naturally into the curve of his body and leeching off heat with a low, pleased noise.

Teddy gave a soft chuff of laughter and shifted into a more comfortable position. He absently stroked a hand up and down Billy’s spine, dipping under the hem of his shirt to touch bare skin before sliding out and up and over his clothed shoulders. Then again. Then again.

Billy sighed and burrowed deeper, pressing his face just above the crease of Teddy’s pit, where the warm-skin smell was strongest. Beyond their makeshift tent, the window rattled in its frame, and snow collected on the stoop. A horn blared and another answered. Downstairs, the unmistakable croon of Patsy Cline drifted from the kitchen.

Teddy pressed a kiss to Billy’s temple. “Your dad’s up,” he said. Billy wrapped stubbornly around him, rubbing his cheek along the pleasant-rough rasp of Teddy’s thermal. He’d stayed up later than usual waiting for Teddy to risk sneaking into his room, and he was pretty sure Patsy Cline could kiss his ass. “C’mon, Billy.” Teddy nudged him gently, then again, trying to roll him away. Billy wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s waist with a low grunt of annoyance, grinning against his stomach as Teddy squirmed.

Teddy could break free if he wanted to. That was part of the fun of holding on so tight-knowing Teddy had the strength to make him let go, but never would.

“Fine,” Teddy finally said with a laugh. He settled back amongst the pillows, pressing his face against Billy’s neck to gently bite the join of his shoulder. “They’re your parents. If you want them to figure out I snuck in here, you’re the one who’s going to have to face the lecture.”

Billy made a face. His parents were really scarily good at being very disappointed, always taking the time (gobs and gobs and gobs of time) to talk Billy through every step of his transgression so he understood it and, grah. It probably would be best to just let Teddy get up and sneak back into his room before the rest of the house started to stir.

But. But Teddy was so warm.

“S’your fault,” Billy mumbled, rubbing his nose against Teddy’s arm. The bicep tightened as Teddy shifted, and God, those muscles bunching under his lover’s skin were something else. It was unfair just how much Teddy looked like all the heroes (and, to be honest, masturbatory fantasies) of Billy’s life. It was Teddy’s fault…for being too handsome and too hot and too sweet and too wonderful and too perfect and, ugh, everything. Just everything.

Billy caught a fold of the thermal between his teeth and tugged, grinning at Teddy’s snort of amusement. He worried at the fabric, tongue running along the neatly stitched seam of the collar before lifting his head and pulling, like a dog gnawing on a bone.

Twin blond brows arched. “Can I help you?”

“Mph.” Billy slid a finger under the neckline to hold his place and lifted his head, grinning broadly. “Nope,” he said, then leaned down to bite another fold of fabric. He felt…punchy. A little loopy.

Happy, a part of him whispered, a thrum of pleasure echoing through skin and bone when Teddy laughed and cupped the back of his skull. Silly and happy and- “Hey!” he yelped, way too loud, as Teddy deftly rolled them over. Billy turned his face, casting a quick, guilty look toward the door. Teddy rose up onto his elbows, propped over his supine body. They both waited, listening carefully for the sound of the music being turned down-or, worse, a door opening and footsteps coming down the hall.

Patsy Cline continued to croon about crying on her wedding day. The soft whisk whisk of snow hitting the glass underscored their hushed breaths.

Finally Teddy shook his head and looked down at him, grinning out of one corner of his mouth. His left-hand dimple flashed when he did that, a pale shadow against his tanned cheek. “Note to self: don’t interrupt Billy when he’s aping Krypto.”

“Maybe I’m just hungry,” Billy shot back, quieter this time.

“Maybe there are waffles downstairs.”

“Maybe I don’t want waffles. Maybe I’ve cultivated a taste for…human flesh.” He slid his thumbs into the waist of Teddy’s pajama pants, grinning sunnily up at him. “Nom nom nom.”

Teddy snorted, dropping his head until their foreheads were pressed together. “I think I’d have to break up with you if you turned into a cannibal.”

“I think I’d love you more if you tasted like waffles,” Billy retorted.

“Well, naturally. No competition.” He brushed their mouths together, soft and warm and so very sweet. “You’re silly this morning.” At Billy’s arched brow, Teddy added, “Sillier.”

He chuffed a laugh and squirmed under the pleasant weight of Teddy’s body, palms sliding over the broad expanse of his shoulders. Billy was aware of time slipping away with each breath he took, running like water through his fingers. Soon-very soon-Teddy really would have to sneak out of bed and back into his own room. Billy would have to get up and pretend like he hadn’t spent the night curled against the warmth of his boyfriend. He’d trudge downstairs and eat waffles and steal a cup of his father’s gut-rot coffee and call his brothers buttfaces or snotpirates or whatever while Teddy drank that tea stuff he liked and chatted with Billy’s mother over the front page news like he’d always been a part of the family-it just took the death of Teddy’s own mother for them all to realize he belonged.

And that would be great, that would be better than great-Billy loved all that. But he didn’t love it as much as he loved laying beneath Teddy’s careful weight, or sliding his fingers into golden hair and licking into Teddy’s mouth, or rubbing his early morning yes-it-is-stubble-damn-it against a broad shoulder as they listened to the snow drift outside. Time frozen, forgotten, as if they’d somehow found themselves in the center of a giant snowglobe.

Patsy Cline melted into James Taylor. Teddy sighed and shifted over him.

“That’s my cue,” he said, moving onto one elbow and beginning to roll away. Billy acted without thinking, grabbing a fistful of Teddy’s shirt and tugging him back. “Wha- Hey, Billy,” Teddy said in low, laughing protest. He caught himself easily, palm braced on the mattress next to Billy’s shoulder.

Billy pressed his face into the curve of Teddy’s neck and tugged him closer, making a blanket out of his bigger body. “Not yet,” he whined.

Teddy turned his face and kissed Billy’s temple. “You can’t stop the sun,” he murmured. “Only Superman can turn back the day.” Teddy paused. “Maybe Dr. Strange. And your other mother. And you, I guess, if you really put your back into it, but,” he added quickly, pulling up to look at Billy, “please let’s not try that, okay? Okay?”

God, Teddy was so adorable when he made that I’m just worried because sometimes you’re a little crazy face. “No turning back the sun just so I can sleep in,” Billy promised, leaning up to brush his lips over Teddy’s chin. “Even if it would be awesome on a test day.”

“Or a Monday.”

“Especially a Monday.”

“Especially every Monday.”

Billy squinted up at Teddy. “So, T, you’re doing a really bad job of convincing me to use my theoretical powers for good. Just for the record.”

Teddy rolled onto his side, blowing a thick hank of hair out of his eyes. “Man. Now I’ve got the Bangles stuck in my head.”

Billy squirmed up to rest on an elbow so he could keep looking at Teddy’s face. It was just…necessary. Like breathing or eating or avoiding Tommy. “The what-now?”

“Bangles. The group? Manic Monday?” Billy shrugged a shoulder and Teddy rolled his eyes. “Oh, I forgot, you only listen to bands that haven’t been discovered yet, you obnoxious neo-hipster.”

Billy kicked Teddy’s shin. “Watch the snark, Mr. Golden Oldies. Or do I have to dig out that gif of you rocking out to Eye of the Tiger?”

Teddy kicked back, grabbing for Billy’s wrists when he tried to squirm away. They rolled and Billy bit back a laughing yelp, hips jerking as he tried to buck his way to the top. Teddy was bigger-a lot bigger-and stronger-a lot stronger-but Billy had two obnoxious younger brothers and was way more likely to play dirty.

Like now, hissing, “Ow!” when it looked like Teddy was going to get the upper hand. Teddy immediately pulled back with a worried, “Crap, B, are you okay?” which gave Billy the opening he needed to twist one leg between Teddy’s and use the momentum to flip them over.

“Ha!” Billy crowed, straddling Teddy’s hips. He sat up, lifting his arms in a victory wave, Teddy sprawled beneath him. “‘It wasn’t the airplanes,’” Billy quoted smugly. “‘It was beauty killed the beast.’”

Teddy snorted, hands moving to brace Billy’s hips. “You know,” he said, tugging lightly. Billy let himself be pulled down, happily curving back into the warmth of Teddy’s body. “Stirring movie reenactments aside, your parents really aren’t going to understand if they walk in on you straddling me.”

“We were just sleeping together.” Billy nuzzled Teddy, humming low in his throat at the soft kiss against his temple. “And I mean, just sleeping. I really wish they’d relax their rules and just let us.”

Teddy made a low, encouraging noise, lips brushing Billy’s cheek.

“I mean,” Billy continued. “We go out and save the world on a pretty regular basis. Or at least we help save the world. It seems like they could cut us a little slack. Right?”

Teddy kissed along his jaw. “Mmhmm.”

Billy fought back a shiver. The freezing air was still seeping in through the cracks along his ancient windowpane, but the warmth spreading through his limbs thanks to Teddy’s touch, his mouth, was much more powerful. “I-I just think,” he said, arching at the feel of calloused fingers slipping up under his shirt to stroke along the curve of his spine, “that seeing as we’re Young Avengers and all,” a mouth kissing toward his chin, leaving trailers of unspooling heat in its wake, “that we’re, that we should, they should definitely…”

And suddenly, he didn’t feel like talking anymore. Billy made a low noise and tipped his chin, catching Teddy’s mouth in a long, slow, languid kiss. He couldn’t help it; he could never help it. Teddy just…did something to him, made him shivery and achy and warm all over. Like he had a fever, only, God, this was better than any fever he’d ever had.

Billy twined his arms around Teddy’s neck, fingers sliding through his hair as their mouths slanted together. The kiss was closed-lipped but hot all the same, veering unsteadily away from chaste with each passing moment as strong hands moved confidently along Billy’s spine and a big body shifted closer to his.

Teddy’s lips were…pretty unfairly soft. His breath was hot. His teeth were-

Damn it, he was doing this on purpose. He was doing it to win.

Billy tried to smack Teddy away, but heat was already coiling low in his belly. His cock stirred, hardening at the warm self-satisfaction in Teddy’s eyes. “Stop that, jerkface, or my parents are going to walk in on a heck of a lot more than us sleeping together,” he muttered.

His voice was embarrassingly husky already.

“Oh are they?” Teddy murmured, teasing, but… But Billy knew Teddy. He knew that timbre of his voice, knew that look in his eyes. Billy bit his lower lip and subtly shifted forward, just enough to-


God, yeah, there. There. Teddy’s cock, already hard, was pressed tight against his own. Billy watched as Teddy’s eyes flared wide, then hooded. Teddy’s tongue darted out to wet his lips. “Teddy,” Billy murmured, wanting to push closer, not daring to. It was amazing how quickly teasing banter could turn on its heel, going dark and husky and, and breathless. The hush of the snow and even the distant croon of the kitchen iPod seemed very, very far away.

Insubstantial. It was all insubstantial. Everything except for Teddy. Everything except for this. Heat on his cheek, and the little hitch of Teddy’s breath, and his cock against Billy’s, and his hands pushing up Billy’s shirt and-

Billy hissed in a breath before surging up, losing his soft cry in Teddy’s mouth as he pressed close, licked inside. Teddy opened up wide, hands fisting in Billy’s shirt. His tongue slicked against Billy’s in welcome-fast and greedy and liquid-hot. The sound of it, God, went straight through Billy like an electric shock. The rumbling groan spreading through Teddy’s chest made him gasp and arch closer, erection tenting his pajama pants, toes digging into the tangled blankets as he fought to grind against, against, oh fuck-

“Teddy,” Billy whined, licking at the perfect bow of Teddy’s lower lip, up to the corner of his mouth. Teddy groaned and followed him restlessly, his own tongue snaking out. They brushed together, exposed briefly in the cold air before Teddy wrapped his lips around Billy’s tongue and sucked it into his mouth. Suckling it. The shock of heat made Billy curse and thrust blindly.

Thrust against Teddy.

Teddy’s cock was hot and, God, so hard against his. Billy could feel him clearly, even through layers of cloth. He moaned into Teddy’s mouth, sound lost between them, and hooked one leg over Teddy’s hips to keep him close. The steady, almost rhythmic tug of Teddy’s mouth on his tongue went straight to his cock, and if Billy closed his eyes, all he could see was a memory of Teddy sprawled between his legs-blond hair falling into his eyes, big shoulders pushing Billy’s thighs wide, lashes dark against his cheeks as his lips stretched around Billy’s shaft. Spit glistening against flushed skin, Teddy’s throat working around his length as he swallowed. Swallowed.

Billy scrabbled for Teddy’s shoulders and dug his nails into his skin, thrusting his tongue with more need than skill. He wanted Teddy’s mouth on his cock again. He wanted Teddy in his mouth. He wanted calloused fingertips against the tight pucker of his ass and…and maybe this time, maybe… Maybe they could…

He turned his face to drag in a gasping breath. He was panting, Billy realized dizzily. The both of them were panting as they moved restlessly together, just shy of real frottage.

“Jesus, Billy,” Teddy mumbled indistinctly. He sounded drunk with desire. He sounded exactly like Billy felt. “I…”

Billy tipped his chin to look at him, but he wasn’t ready for the flush creeping up his boyfriend’s cheeks, or the way his eyes dilated to nearly black. Billy bit the inside of his mouth to swallow a moan, suddenly intensely aware of the need to be quiet.

He reached out a shaking hand to brush hair out of Teddy’s face. His fingernails caught against silver hoops, tracing along the outer shell of Teddy’s ear.

“Your parents,” Teddy said.


“We don’t have time to- To do anything.”

Fuck. “Yeah.”

Teddy wet his lips and shifted closer, hand dropping to Billy’s hip. He pressed his fingers to the curve of his waist, then swiped his thumb under the elastic of his pajama pants, rasping a thumbnail along the sharp wing of Billy’s hipbone. “You’re gonna have to stop me,” Teddy murmured, eyes dropping back to Billy’s mouth. Hungrily. “I’m not sure I can stop myself. God, Billy, I want to see you come.”

Billy squeezed his eyes shut. His cock-fully erect, now; God, fuck, so far past fully erect it was starting to get a little painful-tented against the dark material of his pajama pants, cockhead leaving a slowly growing wet patch. He could feel himself twitching with a thoroughly unfair awareness. That tight ring of muscle they had only just begun to awkwardly, shyly toy with felt…strangely achy.

Downstairs, James Taylor gave way to Johnny Cash.

“How…fast do you think we can be?” Billy murmured, fighting a stupid blush. He pressed his face against Teddy’s neck, fingers coiled in his thermal shirt, panting hard against his collarbone. It was ridiculous to be shy about this after everything they’d gone through together-after everything they’d already managed to do together-but something about sexwithTeddy always managed to make him feel fumbling and virginal and awkwardly, earnestly needy all over again.

He wondered if he’d ever come to a point where this was just a casual thing they did. Simple and easy and taken for granted.

He sincerely doubted it.

“I, uh. On the scale of one to really embarrassing?” Teddy cleared his throat and pressed his thumb into the hollow of Billy’s hipbone. “I’m hovering somewhere around jerk-me-three-times-and-I’m-out-for-the-count. It’s the having to be quiet or we’ll get caught thing,” he added quickly. “It’s, ah, I guess it does something for me. The danger?”

Billy shivered and pressed in closer, deliberately dragging his hips against Teddy’s-feeling the hot scald of his erection pressed alongside his own. The torn noise Teddy made went straight through him, making his toes curl. “Ah, well, um. In that case,” Billy said. He tipped his head forward to kiss beneath Teddy’s ear, giving in to temptation to brush his tongue over the lobe and suck silver-cool earrings into his mouth. Teddy hissed out a curse and grabbed for Billy’s hips even as Billy dragged his teeth along the earrings, shivering at each click click click. “In that case,” he murmured again, tonguing between two, separating them out, “You’d better be very quiet when I make you come.”


Teddy reached for the hem of Billy’s shirt, pushing it up again, but Billy caught his wrist. “Wait,” he said breathlessly. He flushed and ducked his head when Teddy turned his head to look at him. “Ah. We should leave those on. In case someone comes to the door?”

“Plausible deniability’s going to be a hard sell.” Teddy turned his hand, though, pressing his palm flat against Billy’s skinny chest. He pushed down slowly. “Especially if she catches me with my, ah, hand in the cookie jar.”

Billy let his head fall forward even as he scooted back, thighs spreading just a little too eagerly. Teddy pushed past the waist of his pajamas, sliding into his boxers. Down, down, thumb teasing through the path of dark curling hair low on his belly-nails scratching obscenely against his skin. Fuck. “I can’t believe you just…just compared my, ah, to cookies.”

It was weird how Teddy could have his hand just inches away from his cock and Billy still couldn’t manage to say the word.

Teddy pressed closer, half rolling over him. His free forearm braced over Billy’s stomach as if he had to pin him to the mattress-as if Billy planned on going anywhere-even as he slid his hand down further and further, fingertips almost… Just a little more…

Teddy looked up with a quick, crooked, breathless grin. “Biscotti,” he said. “Definitely.”

“I’m in a really good position to knee you in the nose right now,” Billy countered. “Just you w-ah!” He twisted, toppling back against the pillows as Billy quickly clapped a hand over his own mouth, trying to muffle the low cries he couldn’t seem to stop. Teddy’s fingers had closed around his cock, thumb rubbing up and down the undershaft as he tightened his grip.

It was just, God, too much. It was all too much. Billy sucked in a breath and twisted his hips, bucking up into the firm grip. He could feel Teddy’s forearm shoving him back down, pinning him, and that, fuck, that just made it all the better. Billy turned his face against his pillow and yanked it up to cover his mouth, face scrunching at the shudder of pleasure ripping through him.

Teddy was gripping him in one steady hand. Teddy was beginning to stroke-tight on the upstroke, thumb pressing in hard before popping up to rub over the slick cockhead. Just like Billy liked it. Just the way to drive him crazy.

Billy grabbed blindly for the second pillow, crushing it over his face to muffle the low cry. “Fuck, fuck, Teddy, oh fuck,” Billy whined against the soft cotton. It still smelled like Teddy’s hair, his skin. It smelled-

Teddy lifted his forearm, grip on Billy’s cock loosening for just a moment, and dug clever fingers back into the waist of Billy’s pajamas. He rolled the elastic down, pulling the pants past Billy’s hips. The too-cold air against his bare cock was enough to make Billy shudder. The incredible-hot breath that followed a second later made him twist up in a helpless full-body writhe, cock jerking hard against his belly.

Fuck, he could feel his own precome dripping against his quivering stomach. He was so close and Teddy had hardly done anything yet.

“Stay still,” Teddy murmured, voice an unsteady near-growl. God, he knew that voice; he knew Teddy was close, too. Billy wanted to ask if Teddy was rubbing himself against the mattress-he wanted to see if Teddy was rubbing himself against the mattress-but he didn’t trust himself to pull the pillow away. He’d be too loud; he’d get them caught for sure. He never could control his smart mouth. “Stay still,” Teddy said again, this time no nearly about the growl. Billy planted his heels against the mattress and lifted up toward the sound of his voice, cock smearing a trail of precome along his clenching belly, hole just, just aching. Teddy talking like that, Teddy demanding, fuck, it just…it just did something to him.

“Teddy, Teddy, God, Teddy,” Billy chanted. He nearly bucked them both off the bed when Teddy shoved his hips down and wrapped his lips around the head of Billy’s cock, tongue swirling around the tip. “Teddy!” His cry was muffled by the pillow, thank God, but he wasn’t sure how long that could last, and he wasn’t sure how long he could last-Teddy’s tongue pressing along the undershaft of his cock, Teddy’s throat opening around him as he took him all the way down like some kind of shapeshifter porn star, Teddy moaning deep in his chest as if- As if he-

Billy’s toes curled against the blankets and he struggled to keep his hips pressed to the mattress even as his cock pulsed in Teddy’s mouth. It was so hot, so good, so tight, so perfect as Teddy swallowed him down down down, then pulled up again. Billy fought the urge to thrust, cursing and crying out against the muffling pillow. His muscles jumped beneath his skin and he felt like his head was about to explode with pent-up visceral need.

And then Teddy pulled off him, letting Billy’s dick slide from his mouth with an obscene pop. Billy slowly lowered the pillow, peeking over the edge but keeping it pressed firmly to his mouth. Teddy’s eyes were more black than blue, and his lips were swollen, slick. He wet the bottom lip as Billy watched, licking away spit and precome.

“It’s okay, B,” Teddy murmured, sliding one finger down the slick undershaft. He shifted to curve his hand along Billy’s ass, wet fingertip pressing just shy of perfect at the tight clench of Billy’s pucker. Billy whined, biting the corner of his pillow as he rocked back against Teddy’s finger, wanting. Wanting to be fucked. Teddy turned his head to kiss Billy’s trembling thigh, free hand sliding down between his own legs as he added, “I don’t mind if you thrust now.”

And then he swallowed Billy down again, all the way to the hilt, and Billy lost his mind.

He came off the bed with a shocked cry, blue light flaring around them in a brilliant corona. The tang of ozone was sharp in the air, and if he could feel anything-anything at all-but that mouth on his cock, that tongue against him, that throat closing around him, he would have felt his skin gooseflesh with electricity.

Teddy moaned around him, head bobbing eagerly. Riding Billy’s short, desperate thrusts easily, and oh God, oh fuck, that was, he was-

Billy twisted hard, hips arching off the mattress as electricity raced through him. He lashed out, grabbing for the headboard with a guttural cry. The shock of orgasm was like a flashbang grenade-the world going painfully, brilliantly white-and it didn’t seem fair that it could be this good. Sixteen-going-on-seventeen and there was nothing to come that could be better than this.

Than Teddy.

It took…he had no idea how long before he finally relaxed back, heaving in unsteady breaths as if he’d been underwater. Billy pushed away the pillow and looked down with a shy grin. Teddy glanced up through his lashes, skin around his eyes crinkling, and slowly pulled back. His lips were swollen pink and wet. He brushed a knuckle across the corner as he slid up Billy’s body, and all at once, Billy had to be kissing him.

Billy reached down, snarling his fingers in blond hair, and pulled Teddy into an awkwardly needy kiss that almost immediately smoothed out, gentled. Teddy moved until he was crouched over him, hands framing Billy’s jaw, tongue swiping into his mouth. He tasted salty, and Billy’s stomach did a quick flip as he realized he was tasting himself on Teddy’s tongue. It couldn’t be legal how amazing that was.

He shivered and arched up, sliding one hand between them. When Teddy gently caught his wrist, Billy pulled back with a questioning noise.

“Ah,” Teddy said, flushing. “Not actually necessary. You’re really hot when you lose your shit.”

“Oh. Oh.” Oh, well, that…wasn’t the hottest thing he had ever heard. No, not at all. “Um. Wow, okay. …way to hair-trigger, Altman.”

Teddy swatted him and Billy ducked away, laughing. He always felt like laughing after he came-at least, after he came with Teddy-emotions bubbling up like champagne in his chest. Happy. He was so incredibly happy he couldn’t put a lid on it. He didn’t want to.

Billy leaned in and bit Teddy’s shoulder, grinning against the thermal. Teddy wrapped strong arms around him and shifted, pulling Billy into his lap. “Are you trying to eat me again?” Teddy murmured, nosing against his temple. “Cannibal. I really should trade you in for a better model.”

“Nom nom nom,” Billy said, snapping his teeth at Teddy’s collarbone.

Teddy huffed a soft laugh and thread his fingers through Billy’s hair, tugging sharply. He drew in a breath as if about to say something, and…froze. Billy pulled back to look at him, brows knit, then turned his head fast when he realized Teddy was staring at the door.

The music drifting from the kitchen was the Beatles now. Footsteps echoed down the hall.

“Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit,” Billy hissed, squirming out of Teddy’s arms fast. He grabbed the waist of his pajama pants, trying to hoist them back up even as Teddy rolled off the bed, eyes wild. Billy scrambled for the blankets and Teddy dove for the window, throwing it open and climbing out into the cold just as the doorknob began to turn.

Billy shot him a worried look, then burrowed fully under his covers, burying his face against a pillow. The light rasp of knuckles against his door (his parents knocked even as they opened the door without really knocking, which never ceased to drive Billy insane) was perfectly timed with the window sliding shut.

Shitshitshitshitshit, Billy thought, eyes closed, face contorted into what he figured could pass as peaceful slumber. He tried to regulate his breathing, heart still pounding post-amazing-orgasm. He was proud of the way it only sounded a little strangled.

There was a stretch of silence that felt even longer than it probably was. And then, quietly, the door slipped shut. Billy strained to listen as footsteps echoed down the hall, toward his brothers’ rooms, then down to the kitchen.

Billy poked his head out from the cavern of blankets and glanced toward the door, then the window. The towel he’d shoved into the crack to keep out the cold had fallen, and there were small puddles where flakes had melted on the sill, but otherwise, there was no sign of Teddy. He kicked aside his blankets and stumbled out of the bed, wincing at the sting of cold floorboards against bare feet. Billy pushed up the window and leaned out. The world was a haze of white. Even the normal sounds of the city seemed muffled under its heavy blanket.

“Fancy meeting you here.”

Billy looked down, startled, then laughed. Teddy-wearing only his pajamas, hair dotted with snowflakes-was clinging Spider-Man style to the bricks directly below Billy’s window. His cheeks were already pink with cold and his eyes were so bright a blue that they seemed almost alien.

Well. No almost, he supposed.

Billy folded his arms against the sill, leaning over to get a better view. “Nice trick, if you’re trying to give my neighbors a heart attack.”

“Come on,” Teddy protested. “It’s totally romantic. You up there, me down here-it’s very Romeo and Juliet. Or West Side Story.”

He rolled his eyes. “Dying at the end makes it the literal opposite of romantic,” Billy said, but he did lean over as Teddy pressed up, one hand cupping Teddy’s jaw as they kissed. And, he had to admit, as kisses went…this one was pretty romantic.

“Mm,” Billy murmured, thumb brushing Teddy’s cheek. “You should get inside. You know, before important bits fall off in the cold.”

“Don’t want to lose important bits,” Teddy agreed. He began to pull away, then stopped, grinning. “But come on, say it. Just once.”


“Come on.”

Billy sighed. “‘Romeo, Romeo- ’”

Teddy grabbed a bit of snow caught against the vine and bricks and lobbed it at Billy’s head. “Not that one.”

“Specificity is the key to sanguine communication.”

“Thanks, Dr. Kaplan.”

Billy shook his head, resting one elbow on the sill and propping his chin against his fist. “Okay, fine,” he said. “But only because I’m still giddy from the orgasm.”

Teddy nodded sagely. “Whatever you have to tell yourself.”

He really did have the most obnoxious boyfriend in the world. Universe! He could say universe and not be hyperbolic, ha! “Okay, then. ‘I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay’.”

“Duh,” Teddy muttered, sotto.

Billy made a face at him. “Jerkface. You know, all this not-romantic West Side Story talk has got me jonesing for a musical. I know! Let’s watch The Sound of-”

Teddy groaned and began to spider-walk away, shifted fingers and toes gripping the brick as easily as if he were Spider-Man. “I’m taking that as my cue to escape.”

Billy laughed, pulling back inside. He paused, then poked his head out again. “Hey, T?”

Teddy glanced over his shoulder, brows arched.

“I love you.”

And, God, the way Teddy’s expression melted, blue eyes going soft and warm, lips curving into the sweetest of smiles, dimple flashing, guh…that was just. Just.

Just everything.

“Yeah,” Teddy murmured. “I know. I love you too.”

“Don’t die horribly at the end.”

That earned a soft, bemused laugh. “I’m not going to die horribly at the end, Billy.”

“Okay. If you promise.” He hesitated, snowflakes in his hair, fingers going numb from cold. Then, feeling like a complete dork, he waved and popped back into his bedroom, tugging the window shut. Soft flakes hit the windowpane. The blankets were a warm, inviting cave.

And there was a pillow that smelled like Teddy.

Grinning to himself, humming that song-and he refused to believe Teddy didn’t know exactly what he had been doing there; grah, he was going to have it in his head all day-Billy stumbled back into bed, curled around his pillow, and thought of all the ways he could trap moments like these in time, just by wishing for it.

marvel, fanfic

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