Here's a portion of visual whimsy from me, albeit on a fairly unseasonal subject.
This Guardian article about reading on holiday introduced me to a charming quote from
Theodor Adorno's
Minima Moralia (no, I haven't read it either). But instead of just requoting it, I decided to combine it with a pictorial tribute to one of my fave illustrators, the great
René Gruau, and particularly to
this poster.
But the slippers and pyjamas shown are very much my very own...
Tumblr link While we're on the topic, here's a bonus piece of trivia. Slippers may in themselves be monuments, but I was charmed to discover that in the city of
Tomsk* in Russia, there is a real-life
monument to slippers. I suppose that if anyone's going to have a deep understanding of the importance of keeping your tootsies warm, it's the Siberians.
* If, like me, you are of a certain age, you are probably thinking of the Wombles now. I blame great Uncle Bulgaria and his map of the world...