On the fourth day of Torchweek

Jul 09, 2009 23:34

Trivia fact of the day:
I have just found out about the existence of the Cave of the Crystals in Naica, Mexico. What a flabbergasting place! I can't get over the fact that those pictures are really real, and not just tiny pictures of explorers photoshopped onto a big picture of a crystal paperweight for a laugh. If I saw it on Star Trek, I'd think ( Read more... )

torchwood, wonders of nature

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caledonius72 July 9 2009, 23:20:25 UTC
RIP Ianto Jones

Let's raise a perfect Machiato in his memory.

Bloody good episode tonight. Still processing it, and in a rare moment of seriousness i think i'm grieving. How odd. My stomach is tight, I can't sit still.

Aren't the british government a bunch of self-serving toads? Nuff said. Street-Piss-On fire.

Mrs PEAL, she may be ruthless but even she's baulking at handing over the children. She just seems a bit stunned by it all, plus the magnificent Gwen just kept her wrong footed. Maybe she'll snap back. Otherwise she's Mrs NQAL.

Go Lois! You'll NEVER be Ianto, but I think you'll shape up quite nicely.

I must be one of the rare TW followers/fans who actually likes Gwen. She's as clumsy, stupid, wonderful, funny, confident, etc. as the rest of us. I ain't no Gwen basher.

I hope Rhys just sends that footage out anyway, i bet he will once he hears about Ianto. I know I would.

Jack, Jack, Jack. What a crazy mixed up kid. So utterly lonely, neither fish nor fowl. I read the "Don't" as in "Don't speak" but yours is a better reading. He was willing to take it all back to save Ianto's life. And he cried and begged - I'd say that Jack loved Ianto, even if he didn't tell him. Perhaps it's the romantic in me?

Part of me hopes that there's something they can do to bring Ianto back, but that would be jumping the shark in such a bad, bad, way.

Great character driven episode, really bringing the "ouch" in the Janto relationship. And Ianto, and this makes me love him, although loyal and true and so right, still gives Jack the benefit of the doubt, still tries to support him, still tries to get him to open up. But tempered with that realisation he'll never truly know him.

Episode 5 will have a lot more running around and fighting, but that's a good way of dealing with grief. Poor Jack, he's going to have to tell Rhiannon about her brother. Cue the hankies...

I shall join you for episode 5. But my present frame of mind is that that will be my last stop with the Torchwood Bus. Torchwood without Ianto seems hollow for me; what kept me watching was seeing the relationship (and all the messy emotions fuelling it) develop between Ianto and Jack. What a journey the Tea-boy's been on! How he's grown! However, steeling my heart, we all know that operatives die young, and he died doing what he wanted - defending the earth against it's foes.

That's it for now. I bet I'll have more when the mental dust settles.

However... I think this is the end for Torchwood.

Killing off Ianto will drive a lot of the fans mad and they will switch off. Comments on other blogs seem very anti the BBC and RTD at the moment - though the fans could be in shock.

I know it was great and moving drama, but have they cut off their nose to spite their face? RTD is too smart for that.

And now i go to wet my pillow with tears and smiles for Ianto - KING of the deadpan.

And i will tune in listlessly tomorrow, hoping that the 456 wipe out the planet. What good is the Earth if Ianto isn't on it? WAAAAAAHHHH!


I knew I had more! caledonius72 July 10 2009, 00:07:01 UTC
Everytime i get my head on the pillow my brain fizzes...

1. If this is the end of Torchwood, then what a way to go out on! No slow death of pisspoor plots, characters you don't care about, and the same angst over and over again.

2. Wasn't Jacks coming back to life in the morgue wonderful? A sigh rather than a gasp, and with that moment where he pauses before getting up. Well done Mr Barrowman.

3. Gwen. Smiling at Jack being there, and then gathering herself together to look at Ianto.

4. Poor Clem - though hopefully at peace.


redscharlach July 10 2009, 12:26:04 UTC
Yeah, Jack's sigh of resurrection was a lovely touch: I think they've really been working to keep JB's acting as low-key as possible and it's paid off.

I like Gwen anyway, but she's been absolutely stellar all this week. In fact it was her being upset that finally pushed the lump in my throat out through my eyes (so to speak).

I'm pretty sure that this must be the end of Torchwood: I'm certain that RTD just wants to close the book on the Whoniverse and go and do something else. Which is a reasonable enough wish in the circumstances.


adjovi July 10 2009, 15:42:00 UTC
Still processing it, and in a rare moment of seriousness i think i'm grieving. How odd. My stomach is tight, I can't sit still.

yeah. i read the spoiler on this yesterday at work and felt physically ill--couldn't eat my lunch nauseous. and, you can count me as one of the ones who was SO angry yesterday. today, now that the dust settled a bit, i am left feeling gutted and so very, very sad.

Wasn't Jacks coming back to life in the morgue wonderful? A sigh rather than a gasp, and with that moment where he pauses before getting up. Well done Mr Barrowman.

yes! in fact--the it was JB's acting that made ianto's death so moving to me. which completely shocks me. the understatedness of it, the ability to convey pure simple grief. i started sobbing once his voice broke and he was begging ianto not to go. that, and when he completely renigged any threats once he realized ianto was under the gun and could die.


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