(no subject)

Nov 23, 2008 11:58

I have spent the majority of this morning trawling through the dotcoms_refresh delicious, on the art and comics tag. Not every thing that makes it onto dotcoms_refresh is fantastic, but there are some gems in there. Sometimes I feel bad for looking through the dotcoms newsletter, and only reading the fic from authors that either
a) I recognise and know to be good authors and
b) don't have weird numbers, excessive xxXXx's and things like blood, tears or death in their lj name.
I do feel a bit snobby for ignoring some possibly good authors just because of a poor name choice, but this method does help me avoid a large chunk of bad!fic.
I found this really fantastic art jounal, but it doesn't have A LOT in it. I was impressed by some of the rea

I am surprised that I've kept alive with this nablopomo challenge, especially the bit where I managed to post every day that I had exams. Maybe I'll post back in 3 weeks or so, when I get my marks back, so I can show whether or not nablopomo made me fail. I hope it didn't (I don't think it did).

I have this thing where I don't name my journal posts. I don't know where I got that idea from, I just remember seeing a journal where they never named the posts, and it seemed like a simple, classy thing to do. I've seen bexless, where she generally names all her posts with one word. Other people name their posts with a snippet of a song lyrics. Others just name it according to what's in the post. Maybe that would be the best option. I think I'll give naming my entries a go from now  the next post onwards.

A couple of my previous entries have all this weird formatting. It's because I typed them up in Microsoft Word then pasted them into the lj entry box. This is good for me cause word is better at recognising and fixing typos. This is bad because then all my text ends up spacy or bold or the wrong size and font.

The DVD player is fixed! I don't think I mentioned that it was broken! Now we can watch DVD's on the TV. Instead of the computer. And instead of the PS2, which plays in black and white. And why am I so excited about this? Because I can now watch The Black Parade Is Dead! on the TV! For the first time since I bought it! Yay! Also, the DVD player being fixed means I can now record videoclips from the TV. Which coincidentally coincides with the first showing of Northern Downpour on Video Hits! Double yay!
Speaking of Panic at the Disco:

Boys ♥. Isn't it somewhere near autumn over there? As in, quite cold? Well, all the better for us *G*

(First time putting an image in a lj post from the internet \o/ awesome)

nablopomo, livejournal, patd, mcr

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