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This vidder is amazing, really. (see:
this post-Reichenback vid) I don't know what it is about her or why I hadn't heard of her before about two months ago, but anyway. This vid made me laugh so much. It's kind of long but it's like.. 20 different vid ideas all rolled up into one, and they're all fantastic. I can't even say which part is my favourite, except for how I totally can. It's the ET clip, if only because it manages to fit about 9 different pairing into about 20 seconds (Anderson at the end killed me). And ok, ngl, it's pretty sexy. /sigh
The other vid that's doing my head in at the moment is this MCR one-
Between Two Points by
josiemus_prime. Maybe we're just starved for good vids in bandom, but wow does this one looks good. Angsty! But wonderful. :D
Also, what's up with these new LJ cuts? Scissors? Seems unnecessary, but I guess I'll get used to them...