Strangers in Paradise

Jan 31, 2008 14:19

I read this yesterday in Terry Moore's blog:
Steven Sears announced at the Xena con this weekend that he and I are working together to bring SiP to television… and he’s right! That was our coming out announcement. I’ve known Steven for years… well, we met when I did the SiP-Xena issue (#16). As Steven was the producer of that series, he emailed me after the issue came out and told me they’d read it and enjoyed it. Since I was a big Xena fan, I was thrilled to hear this, and more than a little relieved. Over the years we kept in touch, but making the SiP book series left me no time to develop anything else. Now the series is finished, Steven and I have decided it’s time to get serious about this. ::

There was more, but this is enough to make me excited!
Terry Moore even suggested Lucy Lawless for Tambi! (my opinion, tall enough yes, but not enough muscle).
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