Who's your daddy?? Find out @
blackhole What Was Your PastLife? What
Goth Are You?
Well, you're pretty, that's for sure. You have rabid fangirls all over the world, despite the fact that you only got 15 lines in FotR. Ah well, there're still two more movies, right? In any case, you've got your good looks and sense of style, even if you are blonde and have your fair share of redundant lines. You're also Aragorn's manwhore annoyingly agreeable, doing all that's told of you without question. ("Sit down, Legolas," "Get them up Legolas," "Shoot it Legolas," "Speak Legolas," "Roll over Legolas," "Do the Macarena Legolas," etc) Advice: Try to be a little more manly. Follow Aragorn's example. Don't wash your hair for a few days. You'll smell like a human but maybe they'll stop accusing you of being gay...
Which Horribly Mocked Fellowship Character Are You?This quiz made by