easiest ways to sever tiI haven't done this in quite some time so I guess I'll do what I do best. Compartmentalize.
I'm no longer at the home health agency I used to work for. After asking more questions & learning more about the inner workings...it wasn't a good place to be. Also, they fucked me over on my last few checks because a mistake that they made & illegally assessed it to me. (I know it was illegal because the Attorney General's Office advised me it was illegal). Since early April, I've been working at an inpatient rehab facility. I love it. I was data entry/billing but after a few changes in administration, I'm now assistant to the CEO. And it's awesome. I love working for my boss, she's a good person. Some data entry charges/filing issues have come to light since I stopped doing it & others have been working on it so now I get the pleasure of going back these next few weeks & cleaning up their mess as well as entering all the new charges, managing the therapy minutes again, and showing people how to file. I know it's crazy but it's not that hard to file - especially when I draw you a diagram of how the chart should be. There's no filing in punching holes & haphazardly putting the charges into a file, SUZIE.
The plus side is all the work I'll be doing this week, I'll have a nice check with holiday pay & overtime. And that will be great because...I'm renting a house.
It's been about 3 months (on Dec. 1) that Will & I have been living with my parents. That's 3 months of sharing a twin bed on the floor in my mom's sewing room surrounded by all our moving boxes with less than 1ft of walking space. That's having to share one shower between 3 adults & 1 child (my parents are redoing their other bathroom). That's 2 families under 1 roof. I love my parents & am grateful for everything that they've helped me with but that's not to say I haven't thought about the easiest, can't-be-traced way to smother them. The good news is that we're moving into a 3B/2B house with a HUGE master closet & all wooden floors. The bad news is that, it's literally 2 houses down from my parents. Well, it's not really bad news, just "eh" lol. It'll be good to have my parents so close in case of emergency but there's a huge potential of any love life not really happening because of this. It'll be good either way.......My boy. My boy is doing SOOOO good this year. Whereas last year Will would have, for example, an inch worth of school work that was a 70 or less, this year, it's an inch worth of work that's no lower than an 85 with the rare 70 grade floating around. He's made such huge strides & I honestly believe it's because he's learning better and doesn't feel so confused about himself anymore. Since last October, he's been going by my last name & causes a scene when people call him by his legal name. Will doesn't want to see his father or his father's family anymore - not even the grandparents. He doesn't like to be with them & as soon as it's time for him to come home, Will won't even say goodbye to them, he just walks into the house to announce "I'm home!" It's obvious that Will doesn't want to be there anymore and I'm putting money aside for a lawyer. As soon as I can, we're going to find out the quickest and easiest ways to sever ties with that part of Will.
Speaking of severing ties. It's been roughly over 2 1/2 yrs but I finally did it. I blocked my ex, Dave, from being able to contact me. We officially broke up in mid January but had been off & on up to mid July, right before my bday actually, and then we tried to be friends recently but then he told me what he really thought of me. He had told me that he wants to "hold me," that he misses talking to me BUT he's been talkin to someone else & wants to see what happens. Exactly what any woman wants to hear. "Sorry honey, I used to think you were good enough but not anymore --- but, we can still fuck, right?" I honestly thought I could do it, and a part of me wants to, but I can't put myself into that situation anymore. It's too heartbreaking. He was the only person I could see living with, and he was the only person I felt really comfortable with - he had accepted me for everything that I am & didn't try to change me. And then he stomped on my heart & expects me to be okay with it. It's not worth my time. I have so much to do with work & Will, there's no time for me to waste anymore time on it.
And with that lj, I may be back.