Oct 24, 2004 20:04
i am done with everyone of my old freiends. all of them are just so fucking i dont know it just pisses me off that just becasue they all have girlfriends its like oh i cant do anything. which is bull shit becasue every girlfriend that i have had has not interfread with anything that me and my friends.its like hey were not friends anymore becasue my girlfriend is better than you. everyone i hang out with now have girlfriends and i am on the vurge of getting one and we still hang out all the time outside of school. even if i had plans with my girlfriends i would cancel them to hang out with my buddies i mean i know some of you fell that it is true love and all that but goddam so fuck you all i'm out
this is dusty shigng off
if your going to remember anything remmeber this
reds kcik ass