Jun 12, 2006 15:29
Haha. Ok...
So this weekend was kinda kickass. "Caroline, or change" was quite simply *AMAZING.* I'm so happy I went to that instead of the Pride Parade. Dinner afterwards was huge and I might have clogged an artery but it was worth it! I bought "Magical Thinking" by Augusten Burroughs for 5 bucks at Borders in Nova on a bathroom trip (odd, eh?) so that made me happy too.
Later Saturday night, Larisa and I went to Emily Langley's for her bday. It was nice seeing her again. It's great to know that when bad shit happens to good friends, non-fugly sluts make an appearance in their lives. Emily got 2 new cats, and DJ, who we dubbed Kittums McGee, is our new best friend. I have never met a friendlier cat. I almost looked oddly paternal while holding the cat this weekend. Good times.
Sunday, Larisa and I went to the Pride Festivities in D.C. It was absolutely worth going. I have never been around more people gunning for the same cause before. It felt awesome. I got soooooooooo much free shit too. I also bought a HRC shirt that says "PRIDE, not Prejudice" on it. We saw Rucker there too. It's always odd seeing him away from UMW, but it was nice knowing an administrator fights for the same cause that some students do.
Good times...and now nothingness.