Oct 26, 2004 16:37
i feel really sick today. i think i need to go to the hospital...........'sick lynda'
any ho' so do you guyz love the picture. he is the cousin that i always talk about. i love him.....instead of a cousin, he is a brother that i never had. love you leoy.
okay i think i need to start taking my medicine again. my chest is really hurting.
i stayed after school to finish on some homework that i'll never get to do at home. i haven't been home. i have been bussy after school.i just go home to rest for i hour and then i am off to drama prac. yeah i am in Drama, but it's for church. i play very inportant parts. the play is called " The Passion of Jesus Christ". i play Angel Gabriel and Angel 2. awseome! right! i am really going to change and do someting for the community. well mostly poor people.
we are testing this whole week. 6wks exams.!!!! no 'lynda are you ready?'
let's see HE finally got the girl of his dreams. the girl that has been playing hard to get for like 2 years. blah......guys are assholes. well most of him. whenever he knows that i am around, while they are together. he checks to see if i am bothered my it. which i am not. i know last year i would be. but not this year. i know that i could find guyz that are good looking.
okay so yeah there is a guy that goes to BETA. he lives in Alamo and i see him everyday, get on the BETA bus. i haven't asked for his name because i am too embarrassed to. but i have name him ....his name is Mr. Elvis. i think he looks like Elvis. he is pretty and sexy. ruby and all the girls on my bus thinks that he is really sexy. i know that i am soon, going to ask him for his name. there is another guy too. well i talk to him every other day. he is in the play with me. yahoo ...he's a chuch boy. his dad is like a big lawyer in the valley. man the boy is hot. it was funny because last night was a youth meeting and he was there. every time i looked up, he would be looking at me.well this name is George. hahahaha i think someone has a little thing for lynda. okay i am all being cocky....shitttt.......go lynda...and after youth meeting all the jounior's and senior's go to mickey D's for a bit to eat. well last night it was only like 4 people, Elianna, Robert,George(sexy), and me. i was a bet shy ........i was alright.
oh yeah robert says he is never going to get in the car with me unless i drive fast...hahha. maybe because i am a good driver.
well i got to go.