Wicked Game - Part 4

Jul 14, 2015 20:29

Master Post

Part 4

A few days later, they were still in their little bubble of newfound happiness. The doorbell followed by two knocks announced Jensen's arrival. Jared had the door open before the second knock. He grinned and let Jensen in.

"Am I that predictable?" Jensen asked.

"I call it nice quirks."

"Uh-uh. Did you order the pizza yet?"


Jensen lay sprawled out on the couch when Jared came back from the kitchen, two beers in hand. He'd hit play on Jared's favorite play list and easy 80s rock filled the air.

Jared grinned and placed the bottles on the table. Then grabbed Jensen's hands. Pulled him up.

"What-" Jensen started.

"Let's dance." Jared pulled him close and with a laugh Jensen followed. He sat his hands on Jensen's hips. Swayed and brushed his hands under Jensen's T-shirt. Jensen gave him a quirked eyebrow, but a smile on his lips let Jared know he was okay with it. So he pushed the T-shirt up and over Jensen's head.

Then took of his own shirt. Waited for a reaction from Jensen. Feared discomfort. But Jensen just smiled. And then laughed when Wicked Game started on the playlist.

His face softened. Turned back to Jared. He reached out. Placed a hand on Jared's shoulder. "That guy has a point, doesn't he?"

"Yeah," Jared mumbled. Slowly, they danced to Wicked Game and Jared couldn't believe how lucky he'd gotten. "Hey, Jensen?"


"There's something I'd like to give you."

"Yeah? What? A kiss?"

Jared chuckled. "That too, but -" He was broken off by the doorbell ringing.

"Hold that thought," Jensen said and headed for the door. Pulled money from his pocket. "This one's on me," he said and swung the door open.

There was a moment of silence. Jared peeked out of the hallway. And froze. On the door step stood Chris. Carrying two boxes of pizza. Of all new jobs he had to get...

Chris scoffed. Dropped the boxes to the floor and balled his fists. "Man, I knew he'd messed you up, but this? Well, that explains why I could hardly reach you, buddy."

"Screw you! Like you were around!"

"I was looking for jobs, asshole! Not everyone gets a nice check shoved up his ass every month. And it looks like that's not the only thing that goes up there!"

Jensen shoved him up against the wall. "Shut up!"

"Or what, faggot?"

Jensen's eyes went wide at that. He yelled, wordless and guttural and shook Chris hard once before he let go off him.

Coughing Chris grabbed for the porch rail. His knees shook badly but there was still fire in his eyes.

"Fuck off," Jensen shouted. Chris didn't have to be told twice. They watched him jump into his car and speed down the dark street.

Jensen picked the dropped pizza boxes up and carried them into the kitchen. Tossed them onto the counter and slid onto a barstool. He snatched a slice, stared at it only to drop it back into the box. He buried his face in his hand and clawed at his skull.

Jared hovered a hand over Jensen's back. Unsure if his touch was welcome, he kept it in the air.

Then Jensen sighed and straightened up. "He'll come around," he said but went to the living room. Put his shirt back on.

Jared sighed. Turned his back on the sight. He got it. In his head he got it, but...

He reached up to grab some plates from the cupboards. A desperate attempt to cling to the night. A desperate attempt to not let the night end like this.

That's when two arms wormed around him. Locked over his chest. Warm, shaky breaths fluttered over his skin as Jensen's face pressed between his shoulder blades.

Jared lowered his hands, empty until they came to rest over Jensen's. He felt the tension and knew this wasn't an all is well hug.

They stood like this in silence for a long time until Jensen pulled away. With his head low, he sat back down. Without speaking a word they ate half the pizza before Jensen left.

At the door, Jared stopped him. "I... I know this is early. And probably not the best timing, but..." He held out a key. "Just... use it when you're ready, alright?"

Jensen took the key. Glanced at it then shoved it in his pocket and nodded. Then left without another word.

Jared sat down by the window and tried not to let it get to him that they'd planned for Jensen to spend the night. He watched Jensen enter his home. Heard the slam of the door.

He'd thought he couldn't get more stupid than always falling for the wrong guy. Then he had to up the ante and fall for the straight guy.

When Jared woke up the next morning, his face rested on the windowsill and his neck refused movement until after a warm shower.


Jensen was late to the gym that day. Jared was already halfway through his routine when Jensen entered.

He spotted him and faltered. Jensen glanced at the weight section. Chris was already there, working out.

They shared a look through the mirror. Then Jensen moved on, moved past the weights and headed straight for the treadmills.

Jared slowed and stepped off the machine. His heart beating up a storm but not from the exertion.

Jensen worked up a smile that was as dull as the ones he sported when Jared first met him. He gave a lopsided shrug. Glanced around.

"Thought I'd join you for some cardio for a change."

Jared nodded. "Sure."

Jensen nodded, too. Still not looking at him. "Who-" He broke off. His voice had cracked and he had to start again. "Who's your friend?"

Chad stopped and stepped off the treadmill. Jared introduced him.

"Nice to meet you, man," Chad said and held out his hand.

Jensen shook it. "You like Jared, too?"

“What do you mean?”

“You know… gay.”


Jensen nodded. Worked up a lopsided smile. It was faint but Jared could tell it was genuine. "Cool."

They got back on the treadmills. Jensen tried, Jared could see, but his knee started to act up soon. He didn't let on, but Jared noticed him breaking rhythm more and more often. Eventually, he shook his head and jumped off the treadmill. Rubbing his knee and biting his fist against the pain.

Jared spotted Chris push off from the bench. Stare over at them. There was a strange look on his face. Worry? He turned away, though before Jared could be sure.

Chad was about to check on Jensen, but Jared held him back. Shook his head. Instead he stepped off the machine and took a drink. Then caught Jensen's eyes.

"Me and Chad wanna go to a club on Friday. You wanna join us?"


Jensen picked him up at eight. In a Motörhead T-shirt. Jared glanced at the Snaggeltooth print - surprising himself that he remembered the mascots name from whenever it was he learned it - and scrunched his nose up.

"You sure you wanna wear that?"

Jensen shoved his hands into his pockets. Glared at him. "Yeah. Something wrong?"

Jared adjusted the collar of his slim fit dress shirt. Shook his head. "No. It's great."

"That's what I thought."


The club was crowded but they managed to find a spot at the bar. The crowd thrummed in time with the rhythmic electronic beats.

Jensen clung to the beer bottle in his hand. Jaw locked, he glanced around. Eyes shooting to the floor every time he made eye contact with someone.

Jared grinned. Wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Shy doesn't suit you."

"I'm not shy," he said and shook his arm off.

At that moment a guy came up to them. Or more precisely, to Jensen. He grinned. Nodded at his shirt. "You lost?"

"No," Jensen scoffed with a puzzled frown.


"Yeah," Jensen said, shrugged. Too fast.

The guy grinned. "I bet." Then he grabbed Jensen's arm and pulled him towards the dance floor.

"Woah, wait." Jensen snatched his hand back.

The guy stepped back to him. Grabbed his shoulders. "Don't worry man. Your secret's safe here. We're just here to have a good time." Then he leant in closer. To Jensen's ear. "And I can show you a really good time, Hotshot."

Jared's gut churned. He stepped in, but too late. Jensen had shoved the guy back hard. "Fuck off," he yelled and turned. Headed straight for the exit. Not without shooting him a deadly look though.

Jared froze. Chad stumbled out of the dancing crowd. "What happened?"

He shook his head. "Later. I gotta go."


Outside, he found Jensen leaning against the wall. Staring at a couple smoking dudes. Fingers pressed against his lips.

"Hey," Jared said. Jensen glanced up.

"Hey," he said. "You didn't have to leave."

"I wanted to make sure you're okay."

"I'm okay." He looked at the entrance. "I couldn't stand it in there any longer."

"Because of that guy?"

"He was just the tip of the iceberg. I can't stand the music, the crowd - and how hard was it to get a regular beer?" He shook his head. "How can you like this?"

Jared shrugged. "I - I'm gay. It's where I've always gone."

At that Jensen scoffed. "So if you're gay, you gotta like it? Maybe you're the one with the prejudice. If this is what you want me to do, what it means to be gay - well, I guess I'm not even fucking bi."

"Then... then what about us?"


"On what?"

"If I have to like this to lo-" He broke off, eyes startled. Then finished. "To like you." He sighed. "Can't you keep going here with Chad and leave me out of it?"

"I guess, but what do we do?"

"You're not really asking that, are you? What have we done this whole time, man?"

At that a smile tugged at Jared's lips. Right. He wiped a hand over his face. “Let’s go have a beer then. Some place regular.” He pointed to the club. “I just gotta let Chad know.”

“Yeah,” Jensen said. “And better set up a date with him for the next club night, too.” He chewed on his lip. Shrugged. “No need for both of us to piss their friends off for good.”


They decided to head to a bar they both knew a few streets down. A little old school but comfortable. An indie rock event had filled the place with college folks, but some regulars their age peppered the bar as well.

Everyone watched the band standing up which left several of the booths unoccupied. They slid onto the bench, equipped with beer and peanuts.

Jensen played with the label. Cleared his throat. "I'm sorry I made such a fuss at the club."

Jared shook his head. "You don't like it, you just don't like it."

"Maybe I should have worn another shirt."

"I'm glad you didn't."

"How come?"

"'cause then more than that one guy would have had the guts to approach you."

"Oh." He took a sip of his bear. "Ow. Yeah, okay I'm glad I stuck with this shirt."

Jared nodded. "Okay, confession."


"It kinda gets me hot, now."

"Oh yeah?" He clinked their bottles. Smirked. "Turning the straight guy - every gay's dream, huh?"


"Uh-huh," Jensen laughed. "It's not the shirt. It's that I blocked that guy but not you."

He hid behind his beer. "Maybe."

Still grinning, Jensen shook his head. "You're so -" He broke off. His eyes fixed on the bar. Jared followed his line of sight. Spotted Chris.

Jensen swallowed hard. Put his beer down. "I gotta go over."

"You sure?"

"He's my best friend. And he wasn't entirely wrong."


Jared watched as Jensen walked up to Chris. They shared a few words then Chris stared over at him. Jared gave him an awkward smile and a wave of the hand.

Jensen began talking. Chris's shoulders were tense. Only slowly relaxed. Eventually Jensen seemed finished. He wrapped his hands around his fresh beer. Stared at the bar. Then shrugged.

For a long moment nothing happened. Then Chris sighed. Clinked their bottles and placed a hand on Jensen's shoulder. They shared a smile. Another couple words before Jensen got up, patted him on the shoulder and came back over to Jared.

He slid into the booth with a smile.

"You guys good, again?"


"Doesn't he wanna join us?"

At that Jensen heaved a breath. Glanced back at the bar. A girl had come up, taken the spot at the bar Jensen had left. She leant in to Chris and placed a peck on his cheek.

Jensen grinned. "Not today."


The next Friday Jared got another visitor at college. He stopped dead in his tracks, surprised at the sight of the scrawny kid. Henry's son parted the river of students in the hallway. Drawing curious glances. He looked out of place with his too big clothes that hung of his lanky frame.

"Johnny," he said, "what brings you here?"

"'m supposed to come pick you up for dinner. My Dad and Jay had a big fight the other day - he wants to apologize but Jay says he’s only coming if you are."

"Really?" He frowned. "Jensen didn’t mention any of that…"

"Look, I don’t know what they talked or when, Dad just handed me the keys and told me to come here and get you. You wanna come or not?"

Jared hesitated. Then nodded.


Things had smelled iffy. Jared had known that. He hadn't expected Henry to make a decent dinner. Hadn't expected to get through the evening without a fight.

But what he absolutely hadn't expected was the blow to his head as soon as he entered the house. Or to wake up in the barn, tied to a chair. His head throbbing up a storm. The light around him was dim. A shaky bulb struggled to illuminate the worn-down building.

Henry stood in front of him. "Morning princess," he said and patted the baseball bat in his hand. Blood clung to the tip. Behind him stood about half a dozen of his redneck buddies. Guys Jared had seen at the parties but never spoken too. Never had the desire too.

He glanced to the side. Johnny sat on the hood of an old truck. Pale as a ghost. Chewing on his finger nails.

Jared groaned. Glanced back at Henry. "What...?" He slurred, his tongue heavy and slow.

Henry chuckled. Then hunched down. "You know... it bugs me. That I once fought for people like you. A whole country with whiny pussys like you. People who've never had to fight worse than the push it takes 'em to drop a hard dump in the toilet. People who think they know better. People who think they know what guys like me and Jay need." Henry straightened. His knees popped and he grimaced. "Let me tell you, you don't know shit. You can't help us. We've got to help ourselves - and I did. I picked the guy up when he came back. I helped him live as a civilian-"

At that Jared chuckled. "All you did was hold him back. You kept him stuck-"

"Shut up." Henry swung the bat. Slammed it into his side. Jared yelled out in pain.

"I gave him what he needed. Stability. You just confuse him, don't you see? Hell, you make him think he's a fag."

At that Jared looked up in shock.

"Yeah," Henry said. "I know about you and your little sick preference. And fuck if I care - if you stick to other bastards like you - but you had to go after one of us."

"It's his decision!"

"It's not one he can make." This time, Henry punched him with his fist. Jared felt the jolt deep in his jaw. And for a second he couldn't move it, before it popped back in place with a painful crack.

Henry wound up again when the sound of a roaring motorcycle pierced the quiet. He straightened and swung around to his posse. Gave them silent hand signals and they moved out the door. Then Henry turned to Johnny.

"Watch him," he ordered and ran out the door.

Jared tried to scream but his jaw hurt too bad to move, yet. He jerked in his chair but it did little.

"Stop," Johnny said. He had come up to his side and dropped to his knees. "I'm sorry, I didn't know..." His hands worked on the ropes. Freed him.

Jared jumped to his feet. Gripped Johnny’s shoulders when the world swayed. He massaged his jaw and willed the world to steady while he looked for another exit when a door at the far end swung open.

"Jensen," he gasped.

"Hey," Jensen called.

"We've gotta get out of here," Johnny said and motioned at the door. "Let's go."

They nodded and rushed outside. And ran straight into Henry and the others.

This time, Henry swung no bat, though. He had exchanged it for Johnny's shotgun. And the tip was pointing at Jared.

"You got your fingers on my son, too, now?"

Jared raised his hands. "No, I - " There was a loud boom before he could finish.

Jared flinched, scrunched his eyes up. Waited for the pain. It didn't come. He glanced up. Jensen stood in front of him. Blood dying his shirt. But he still stood. Glared at Henry and his folks.

"Shit..." Henry gasped and lowered the gun. "Jay, I -"

"Fuck you," Jensen said. Dropped to one knee. Then to the other. And finally fully to the ground.

For a moment the ground wavered under Jared's feet. Then he rushed over to Jensen's side. Called out to him in panic.

Jensen blinked at him. Face in the mud. Yet, he grinned, shakily. "Well, I said I wanted back..."

"Everyone fuck off!"

Their eyes snapped up. Johnny had grabbed the gun from Henry's stunned hands. Trembling he took a couple steps back. Gun trained on his own father. "You guys fuck off."

"Son," Henry said. Voice gritty again. Over the initial shock.

"Shut up!" Johnny glanced over his shoulder. "Jay?"

"’s just a flesh wound..." Jensen mumbled, but his voice was weak.

"’kay,” Johnny said, his voice slowly strengthening. “Get him to the trucks, Jared. I'll hold them off and meet you at the gate."

Jared didn’t have to be told twice. He pulled Jensen up, slung an arm around his shoulder and staggered with him to the parked cars. He kept one hand to Jensen's side, too. Felt the blood gush out between his fingers. "Hold on, hold on, hold on," he gasped like a mantra. There had to be an unlocked truck. A truck with the keys in it. There had to be-

Jensen stumbled, fell and almost pulled him down along. Jared caught him and Jensen groaned. He tried to straighten him up, but Jensen's knees kept giving out. Panic boiled high in Jared. He grabbed Jensen around his shoulders and knees and lifted him into his arms. They protested at the strain and so did his back but he pushed through it and hurried the rest of the way.

A pained groan escaped Jensen. He clutched his side and buried his face against Jared’s chest. Didn’t utter a protest at being carried, though and Jared knew things were even worse than he’d thought.

Jared skittered to a halt in the parking lot. Glanced around. What car? He tried the first to his left. Angling his body awkwardly to grab the door handle. Locked. And he almost dropped Jensen too.

"Fuck," he screamed and turned for the next when a pair of headlights caught him. Another truck rolled on the property. It stopped to a screeching halt not even a foot from him. Chris jumped out.

"Jared what - shit, Jay!" Chris swirled around and pulled the back door open. "Get him in!"

Jared couldn't move. What if it was another trap?

Then Jensen blinked up at him. Nodded.

Chris came up with the first aid kit from under the seat. "The fuck are you waiting for?"

He scrambled into the backseat as best as he could, laying Jensen down on the bench. Chris handed him the kit and Jared ripped at the foil. Flicked the box open and stared at the contents. Gauze, bandages, scissors. Tape. And so much blood on Jensen.

He froze. Didn't know how to use any of the stuff in the box.

Jensen's hand wrapped around his wrist. "It's okay. You drive. Let Chris-"

Jared didn't hear him finish. Chris had grabbed him by the waistband of his jeans and tugged hard. He crashed backwards on the ground.

"Drive!" Chris shouted and jumped over him, into the back seat.

"But-" he called and struggled to his feet. Chris wasn't listening, though. He was handling the gauze. Working on patching Jensen up. Knowing what he did.

Jared turned to the front. The driver's side was open. The key in the ignition, the motor still running. He jumped behind the wheel and floored the gas.

"Johnny..." Jensen croaked. "You see him?"

"No," Chris said.

"He said he was gonna meet us at the gate."

Jared spotted the gate, but there was no Johnny. Chris had left it unlocked but the wind kept pushing it closed.

Chris glanced up as he heard the banging. "Just run it over!"

"What if the car breaks down?"

"It won't. It's a fucking SUV!"

"Johnny..." Jensen croaked.

"He's gonna be okay," Jared called. He had to be. There was no time.

"Stop,” Jensen said. “No one gets left behind."

"We're not-” Jared started then he saw Johnny. Legging it down the hill, shotgun swinging wildly at his side. Henry's loyal consorts hot on his heels. Henry too.

"Fuck!" Jared slowed and leant over, pushed the passenger side open. Johnny reached them and jumped in. The door slammed closed and Jared called, "Hold on!"

With a loud bang they burst through the gate.

Jared dared a look in the rearview mirror. Henry's guys had ceased the pursuit. Johnny turned around in the seat and faced Jensen, who chuckled softly.

"Shotgun riding shotgun," Jensen mumbled and held out his fist.

Johnny barked a laugh and they bumped fists. When Johnny slumped down in the seat he glanced down at his hand. Jared caught the spark of red in the corner of his eyes.

Johnny's knuckles were glistening with blood. He swallowed audibly.

Jared gripped the steering wheel tighter. Pressed the gas down even harder. "Chris, how's he?"

"I'm peachy," Jensen said.

"Don't talk,” Jared said. ”Spare your strength."

"No," Chris said. "He's got to talk. He's got to stay awake."

"Civilians, right?" Jensen said.

"Right," Chris laughed, but he too must have caught on Jensen's voice getting weaker. "That includes me, too, though."

"Nah. You went through basic."

"That was decades ago."

"Still, you..."

"Hey, hey, hey," Chris called. Jared heard him slap Jensen’s cheek. "Stay with me."

Jared glanced over his shoulder. "Just a few more minutes."

"Is he gonna die?"

"Shut up, Johnny!" Chris called. "No one's gonna die, right Jay?"

Faint but there, a mumbled, "Right."

A smile spread on Jared's face. They were gonna make it. He spotted the sign for the hospital. Took a turn into the street on screeching tires. There it was, shining bright in the night. They made it, Jared thought, and then Chris yelled out, "no, no, no, Jay, open your eyes, open them, open - Jensen!"

Jared's smile died. His blood ran cold. He brought the car to a screeching stop right at the gate and jumped out.

"Get someone to help," Chris called. "He's too heavy, I can't-"

Jared ripped the back door open and caught Jensen's limp body around the shoulders. In a swift move he pulled him out and into his arms. This time his weight barely registered as he ran into the emergency room.

Johnny was already there, just dropping the shotgun to the floor in a room full of stunned nurses and doctors. "I'm not-" he called, hands held high. Then his eyes fell on Jensen bleeding in Jared’s arms and he began waving frantically. "Help him!"


They wheeled Jensen off to the OR. Confirmed Jared's concussion. When all was said and done, and the cops had taken his statement Jared went to look for Chris. He found him standing outside by the car. Staring at the blood on the backseat. There was so much it formed pools. Shimmering, wet pools.

They sat down together on a bench.

"How did you know I was there?" Jared asked.

"I didn't. I went to pick up Jay to hang out, but his bike was gone. He wouldn't answer his phone either. Since he met you that's been par of the course, so I drove to Henry's see if I could hang there..."

"So, lucky accident, huh..." He sighed. "But then how did Jensen know?"

"I called him." Johnny had stepped up to them.

"And he answered?"

"He... he always answers my calls. Even when I just bitch... which I guess, was most of the time." Johnny clenched his fingers. "He can't die. He... he's my brother."


They moved inside into the waiting area. Soon after, Johnny passed out on the stuffed chairs from exhaustion.

Jared sipped on a water. Glanced at Chris. "Can I ask what you two talked about at the bar?"

"You can. But I won't answer."

"Why not?"

Chris scratched his chin. "'cause it's gonna make me sound like a jealous bitch."

Jared laughed. "What?"

"Yeah, I mean come on - I can't even count how many times I stood on his porch like a fool, no answer to my knocks, only to find out later that he'd been with you."

"You could have just come over."

"Desperate much?"

"Bitchy much?"

"Fine, yeah, I could have - but usually when he went somewhere, he'd let me know. Tell me to catch up wherever he'd gone. But he didn't when he went to see you."

"Didn't peg you for the guy who'd be stopped by that."

"I'm not. Or at least I thought I wasn't..." he trailed off. "But I guess I picked up on something. Something was off. He didn't talk about you, and yet you made him change. The smoking. The way he treated Henry. Hell, how he acted in general. More relaxed. And if he didn't wanna talk to me about it, I thought, fine, I wouldn't bring it up either. But it bugged me. And then when I saw you guys - I just snapped. It felt like he'd set me up for a fool. It wasn't even that he was doing the deed with a dude - but that I suddenly had proof that I had been right all along. That he had lost interest in our friendship. Or so I thought anyway."

"What did he say that changed your mind."

Chris chuckled. "He said, 'can you imagine this guy at a Death Punch gig?'"

He grinned at that. Wiped a hand over his face. "Over my dead body." He sighed and turned solemn. "He needs you."

"Not as much as you."

"It may be different but there's no level to it. He knows that." He cleared his throat. "Back in the car, he wanted you to treat him. Wanted me to drive. Because he knows us. Knows our strengths. Because he trusts us both."


Jared placed the little stereo on Jensen’s bedside table. Plugged it in and sat on the edge of Jensen's bed. He brushed a loose eyelash from Jensen's cheek and smiled. Or did his best to.

Jensen's breath came in faint rhythmic puffs. They'd taken him off the respirator. Off the anesthetics, too. But waking up was on him. And he was taking his sweet time.

Jared hit play. Cindy Laupner's Time after Time began to fill the room. He buried his head in his hands and waited.


A nurse came in a couple hours later to check Jensen's numbers. Jared paused the stereo. "How is he?"

She gave him a faint smile.

He scrubbed a hand over his face. Shook his head. “So, no change.”

Another polite smile. "It's very sweet."

Jared glanced up. The nurse motioned at the stereo. He chuckled. Brushed a hand through his hair. "He hates that song."

"Then why..."

"Because I know him. He won't allow himself to go out to that song. So he has to wake up to kick my ass for playing it." His voice cracked. "He just has to."


Two days later, Jared still had the song on loop. He sat in a chair. Watching Jensen. Dozing. He blinked. And Jensen had too. Or had he?

He straightened. Leaned forward. "Jensen?"

Long eyelashes fluttered. Then opened part way. The eyes underneath lolled to the side. Glanced at the stereo. Then at him. A faint frown formed on his forehead. It was all before his eyes slipped shut again, but Jared burst out into a chuckle. He wiped at the blur in his own eyes. "I knew it," he said. Cupped Jensen's cheek. It was warm and stubbly. Jensen's beard was growing. In dire need of a shave. But Jared didn't care. In fact, he enjoyed the tickle against his palm. "I knew it, you stubborn bastard."


Jared couldn't sleep. The air around him was dead. No breeze wafted through the open window. The sheet a bunched up mess at the foot of the bed.

He glanced to the side. A quarter past midnight.

Idle music played on his phone. But it didn't lull him in either. His mind kept drifting to Jensen. He wondered if he had trouble sleeping, too.

Probably not.

He sighed. Rolled on his back.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Followed by two knocks. Jared snapped upright. Was about to get up when another sound echoed through the house. A low click. The door. A key in the lock.

Jared's heart skipped a beat. He held his breath. Listened. Then a silhouette appeared in the bedroom door. Paused and the moonlight hit his face.

"Jensen," he whispered. "What-" He broke off as Jensen walked around the bed. Dropping his clothes piece by piece. Jensen reached for the phone. Changed the track. Deep rock tunes filled the air around them. Because the Night by Patti Smith. Jared's eyes went wide.

Slowly, Jensen set the phone back down. Then took a seat on the edge of the bed. With quivering fingers Jared reached out. Touched the gauze patch on Jensen's side.

Jensen took his hand. Gave him a soft smile and a nod. Then he leant down and kissed him. Kissed him deep.

A hand on Jared's shoulder pushed him into the mattress. Held him down while Jensen got on the mattress. Stretched out on top of him.

When they broke for air, Jared breathed, "You used the key."

"Yeah," Jensen said. “I couldn’t wait to go back. Back to you.” Then sealed their lips again and all rational thought left Jared's mind. Replaced by overwhelming joy.


Warm rays of sun and the muted sound of the TV woke Jared the next morning. He blinked his eyes open. They landed on the clock. 10 a.m.

A smile formed on his face and he rolled on his back. Glanced over. Jensen sat propped up next to him. Squished between him and the wall. The sheets only up to his abs. But he looked content. Face relaxed as he watched TV.

"Hey," Jared said.

"Morning," Jensen returned with a soft smile. Then focused back on the TV. He had it turned to History on a re-run of Counting Cars. "Damn, look at the engine they put in that car."

"Yeah," Jared said, wiping the sleep from his eyes. "That's gonna roar like a lion."

"Fucking epic."


They exited the courthouse to rays of warm summer sun. Jensen took a deep breath. Flinched a little and grabbed his side. The wound still wasn't fully healed but it was making good progress.

Jared slung an arm around his shoulders. "That went well."

"Very well," Jensen said. Then sighed. "I wished it hadn’t come to this."

"Yeah," Johnny said. He stumbled up next to them. Squinted at the blinding light. "Mom in a drug clinic, dad in jail - I got a glorious future ahead of me."

"Depends on you," Jensen said.

"Exactly," Jared agreed.

"Yeah, right. Hell, I don't even know where to stay, now that the trial is over." He glanced at them.

Jared grinned. Pulled a key from his pocket.

"Who said you could move out?"

Johnny's eyes went wide. Then his lips followed.

Jensen and Johnny certainly hadn't been the family Jared had pictured for himself. But it had become the one he wouldn't exchange for any other family in the world.

Thank you for reading!
Don't forget to check out miss_melissa17's Art Post if you haven't already.

fic: wicked game, pairing: j2, big bang 2015, genre: slash, setting: au

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